By 2030, 20 Million Workers Will Lose Their Jobs to Robots

Employment expert discusses breaking new study which spells disaster for manufacturing employees

RobotA new study from analysis firm Oxford Economics predicts that by 2030, over 20 million workers in the manufacturing industry will lose their jobs to robots.

“As machines become cheaper to build and artificial intelligence technology becomes more comprehensive and affordable, many industries are going to become robot-centric,” says Rob Wilson. “Just look at the automotive industry: Starting in the 1980s, companies were spending billions of dollars to create robots to perform basic tasks in their automobile factories. Now, 43 percent of the world’s robots are used by the automotive industry. We should expect to see a similar trend in manufacturing as well, although the good news is that robots create jobs in some fields even as they take them away in others.”

Wilson cautions that battles over minimum wage could increase the application of artificial intelligence in some industries, especially as it relates to entry-level, unskilled work.

“Findings show that fast-food workers could be at serious risk of losing their jobs to robots in the next several years. One study found that each new robot added per 1,000 workers causes wages to drop in the surrounding area by around 0.25 and 0.5 percent,” says Wilson. “We can clearly see that in specific industries, the impact of automation can not only impact job numbers, but also a worker’s wages.”

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(Article) “How AI Is Transforming HR With More Sophisticated, Less Biased Recruiting”

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, was recently quoted in an article for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s digital publication CO:

How AI Is Transforming HR With More Sophisticated, Less Biased Recruiting“Artificial intelligence is driven by algorithms — sets of rules based in part on historical data that computers use to guide decisions. For example, if history shows that employees possessing specific traits have proven successful in a given job role, AI algorithms rank highly applicants with those same attributes.

While AI automates mundane tasks, it’s the greater power of AI that gives HR pause. Employers know they are prohibited from asking applicants about marital status and religion, but if AI teases out that information indirectly, without consent, companies run the risk of violating discrimination laws.

“There are still a lot of bugs. One bug is discrimination. There are examples where women and older applicants have been weeded out,” said Rob Wilson, president, Employco USA, an HR outsourcer.”

Follow the link to read more:

CO by U.S. Chamber of Commerce

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at

OSHA Inspections Continue to Climb to Record Numbers: Here is What Employers Need to Know

H.R. expert explains the growing number of OSHA inspections & why many employers aren’t prepared  

OSHAOn the heels of a frightening bridge crash in Miami, U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta recently said that he “fully expects” OSHA inspections to increase once new inspectors are trained. Acosta’s remarks are in line with the significant increase in enforcement actions employers have seen in the past two fiscal years.

“The DOL’s enforcement actions across the vast majority of its offices and agencies have increased in the past two fiscal years,” says human resources expert Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, a national employment-solutions firm with locations across the country.

OSHA inspections exceeded 32,000 in both 2017 and 2018, compared to 31,948 inspections in 2016. And, increased inspections could be the reason why workplaces have seen decreased accidents, with 40,000 less workplace incidents and 43 less fatalities when comparing 2016 and 2017 numbers.

What does increased action by OSHA  mean for employers?

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The Myth of the Summer Job: Why This American Tradition is Disappearing

Employment expert explains why most teens won’t be working the hot-dog stand this summer

Summer JobsA Pew study recently revealed that the number of teens with summer jobs has been on a steady decline for the last 2 decades. While almost half of American teenagers used to spend their summers scooping ice cream, slinging burgers, or working at the mall, now only around one-third of teens will spend their summer months employed.

“It’s not just that teens don’t necessarily want to find summer employment, but that the employment opportunities themselves have changed,” says Rob Wilson, employment expert and President of Employco USA, a national employment solutions firm. “There are less entry-level jobs available for these unskilled workers, and with new robotic technology at fast-food restaurants and fast-casual chains, these young would-be workers are being automated out of employment.”

Wilson also points to disappearing American malls.

“When so-called ‘anchor’ stores such as Sears or JCPenney close down, it becomes very problematic for the mall as a whole,” explains Wilson of Employco USA. “Filling that retail space is very difficult, and with giants like Sears experiencing a major decline, that means that many malls across the country are going to be left with huge vacancies. This puts all the stores within the mall at major risk, from your kiosks to your pretzel stands to your small clothing stores.”

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Illinois Says Yes to Recreational Weed: But What Does This Mean for Employers?

Human resources expert weighs in on this important ruling & how it will impact the workplace

IllinoisIllinois lawmakers made a historic decision when they voted to legalize recreational marijuana use last Friday. The House of Representatives voted 66-47 to allow possession and sales beginning Jan. 1, 2020. But how will this decision impact employers and the workplace?

“Your ability to monitor drug use among your employees is going to depend on whether or not you are a unionized or private workplace,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA (a national employment-solutions firm based in Chicago, IL) and human resources expert. “While you have the right to expect and require sobriety from workers on the job, it can become a bit tricky when you suspect drug use and want to act on your fears.”

Wilson says that if you work in a non-unionized environment, you should ask a supervisor or human resources team member to help you determine if an employee is under the influence of marijuana.

“If your suspicions are backed up by other leaders in your company, you can discipline and even terminate your employee,” says Wilson.

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Bringing Performance Reviews into the Millennium

Employment trends expert explains why most companies fail miserably at performance reviews  

Performance ReviewsStatistics show that 95 percent of managers are dissatisfied with their company’s performance review process, and 42 percent of employees agree that performance reviews are ineffective. So how can companies better review and maintain their staff’s performance?

“Performance reviews have never been more important,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and human resources expert. “We know that 91 percent of millennials are going to stay at their current positions 3 years or less. Recruiting and training employees is expensive, and your company loses something every time another employee cuts ranks. A strong performance review system can help you to maintain your staff and ensure that you don’t lose employees due to ineffective management.”

Indeed, Wilson says that 79 percent of employees leave their job due to feeling unappreciated by their managers.

“Performance reviews can benefit both workers and their employers,” says Wilson. “It lets employees see that their work is not invisible and that their efforts are seen and valued by their higher-ups. And, it helps managers to pinpoint potentially problematic behavior and ensure that goals are being met.”

Wilson says that companies need to realize that training managers for these performance reviews, or hiring an employment-solutions firm like Employco USA to handle such measures, is an absolute must.

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How A.I. is Revolutionizing the Hiring Process

Employment trend expert explains how robots are the new recruiters

RobotThe interview process is always nerve-wracking for job hunters, but now instead of facing a hiring manager, applicants might find themselves dealing with artificial intelligence agents before finally meeting a real person from their desired firm.

“Artificial intelligence has been a hot-button topic when it comes to how robots could replace minimum wage workers in fast-food environments and beyond,” says employment trends expert Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, a national employment solutions firm. “But there is another piece to this puzzle, which is the way in which companies are now using A.I. to simplify and streamline their recruiting and hiring process. For example, beauty giant L’oreal uses chatbot Mya to interview applicants in the first stage of sorting through candidates.”

Meanwhile, JPMorgan Chase & Co. is using technology from New York City-based tech startup Pymetrics in which job applicants are tested with fast-paced decision-making games in order to see if they have a chance to earn a spot at the investment firm.

However, some critics say that these artificial intelligence measures could pose legal concerns in the future.

“Just last year it was discovered that Amazon’s latest A.I. hiring bot was discriminatory against women,” says Wilson. “And others say that these measures such as the Pymetrics hiring games will be discriminatory against those with learning differences or those who are older and have less technological skill.”

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