HR Chat w/Employco USA: Delayed Medical Treatments During the Pandemic

We receive a number of questions from our clients as we consult them on a variety of HR issues.

In this video, Rob and Jason cover delayed medical treatments during the pandemic. They discuss worsening conditions, the impact on the level of claims and health costs, tips for employers, corporate wellness plans, addressing routine checkups, employee communication, and more.

Questions? We’re here to help,

HR Newsletter: Independent Contractor Rule Update

Independent Contractor

On March 11, 2021, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced a proposal to rescind the independent contractor final rule. The final rule was published on Jan. 7, 2021 and is scheduled to become effective on May 7, 2021. The DOL’s position is that adopting the rule would significantly weaken worker protections under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Although the final rule’s effective date has technically not yet been canceled,  this proposal signals the DOL’s intention to roll back the worker classification test established by the rule at the end of President Donald Trump’s administration.

As a result, employers should continue to monitor DOL communications on this topic for updates regarding worker classification obligations.

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HR Newsletter: Tip Rule – Upcoming Changes

Department of Labor

On December 22, 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) published a final rule to amend employee tip regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The final rule was scheduled to take effect on March 1, 2021; however, on February 26, 2021, the DOL delayed the rule’s effective date to April 30, 2021.

Portions Approved to Take Effect – After reviewing the rule for consistency with law and policy, the DOL announced that it will allow provisions that increase worker protections and earnings to take effect in April, including provisions that:

  • Prohibit employers (including managers and supervisors) from keeping their employees’ tips, regardless of whether the employer takes a tip credit; and
  • Allow employers that do not take a tip credit to include non-tipped workers (including cooks and dishwashers) in nontraditional tip-sharing agreements.

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HR Newsletter: State Updates for Employee COVID-19 Leave Requirements


In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, states have passed new laws and issued new regulations and guidance about employee leave taken for COVID-19 reasons. These provisions are in addition to the federal Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act and Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act, passed on March 18th as part of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).

In general, employee leave permitted under new state COVID-19 rules and guidance varies with respect to factors like which employers and employees are covered by the leave, the length and purpose of the leave, whether the leave is compensated and at what rate, and whether the leave is provided under a new law or rule, or covered under an existing provision.

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HR Newsletter: New Study – Majority of WFH Employees Don’t Want to Return to the Post-COVID Workplace

Work from Home

With vaccines rolling out across the country and millions of Americans preparing for a post-COVID reality, research suggests that many people would rather continue working from home than returning to the office. A new ‘Return to Workplace Survey’ from Envoy has found that 66% of employees say that they fear for their health and safety, and nearly 48% say they would prefer a hybrid schedule in which they can continue to work from home a few days a week.

But is the desire to continue working virtually rooted in a fear of the virus or is it a preference for flexibility and the ease of working at home?

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HR Newsletter: (COVID-19) Can You Ask Employees if They’ve Been Vaccinated?

Vaccine Question

Yes, employers are generally allowed to ask workers if they have been vaccinated. Companies are often times interested in employees’ vaccination status because it sheds light on return to work and social distancing planning, customer and co-worker safety, and possible employer-provided incentives for employees to get vaccinated.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has provided guidance indicating that not only can employers ask about vaccination status, employers can also ask for proof.

In situations where the employer is asking for employees’ vaccination status, we recommend the following:

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What Employers Need to Know About the American Rescue Plan

Employment trends expert Rob Wilson discusses Biden’s Rescue Plan and what it means for companies

American Rescue PlanPresident Biden’s ‘American Rescue Plan’ includes several key changes to employment-related categories. It’s crucial for employers to become educated about how these changes will impact their policies moving forward.

“Now is the time that employers should prepare for these upcoming changes,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment trends expert. “There are many modifications to the FFRCA ‘COVID Pay’ categories which will impact the way that you reimburse employees and approach things like sick leave.”

First, says Wilson, is the fact that employers now have the ability to offer employees paid leave through September 30, 2021.

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Employco USA Hires a Loss Control Manager

A human resource and employment solutions firm, Employco USA is pleased to announce the growing expansion of its staff. Employco’s newest team member:

Josh LoudermilkJosh Loudermilk, Loss Control Manager – Josh brings a highly coveted skill set to our team, combining years of loss control experience with a true passion for client service and care. Josh will be responsible for loss control, safety, and client services.

“I look forward to expanding my skillsets with an innovative company that will encourage me to strive in serving both our internal and external guests. Employco delivers just that, industry leading solutions and guest services in an ever-changing environment. I am excited to be part of an amazing team of professionals – with a company that values their colleagues.” -Josh Loudermilk

For more information, please contact Rob Wilson at (630) 286-7345 or

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