HR Newsletter: Preventing Turnover Post-Pandemic

Employee Quit

The COVID-19 pandemic is finally getting under control. Americans are getting back to the tasks they’ve been postponing for more than a year. Unfortunately for employers looking to retain employees, some employees are now ready to find new jobs.

That’s why experts are predicting a “turnover tsunami” coming in the latter half of 2021; all the turnover that would typically take place in a given year is expected to come virtually all at once.

What do employees want?

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HR Newsletter: Considering a Hybrid Work Model

Work From Home

The pandemic has resulted in thousands of employees working from their kitchen tables or living rooms rather than the office or other workplaces. However, as more Americans receive a COVID-19 vaccination and organizations develop or update their return-to-work plans, some employees may still be eager to continue working remotely, even if just for a few days each week.

In an effort to provide a summary of the issues related to a hybrid workforce, we developed an article that provides information on the following topics:

  • An overview of hybrid workplaces
  • Location considerations
  • The work model’s advantages and challenges
  • Tips for accommodating distributed employees.

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HR Newsletter: Managing Re-Entry Anxiety Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Re-Entry Anxiety

With the COVID-19 vaccine becoming much more widely available across the country, the topic of returning to in-person work, school and other activities is being discussed constantly. The reopening of the country, though, comes with some uncertainties and may lead to feelings of re-entry anxiety.

Re-entry anxiety is an overall uneasiness or uncertainty about returning to the way things were before the pandemic. This feeling may be triggered when meeting socially with friends and family, going back to the workplace or pursuing other important aspects of social interaction. After being separated from life as we knew it before the pandemic, it might be difficult to get reacclimated.

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New Survey: Americans Don’t Want Their Boss to Require Vaccines…but Should Employers Do So Anyway?

Employment trends expert talks requiring employee vaccines & other COVID-19 considerations in the workplace

COVID Vaccine CardA new survey found that while many Americans say they support employers requiring vaccines, that number greatly decreases when it comes to their own employer requiring the jab.

“The recent poll results from the Kaiser Family Foundation show that while many Americans support the idea of requiring the COVID-19 vaccination, a far greater number have a strong opposition to their own employer requiring them to get vaxxed,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment trends expert.

Wilson says Americans report they will be more likely to get the vax if they are offered incentives like paid time off. However, the HR expert cautions that employers can’t go overboard when incentivizing the jab.

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HR Chat w/Employco USA: Webinar Recap on Workplace Changes After COVID-19

We receive a number of questions from our clients as we consult them on a variety of HR issues.

In this video, Rob and Jason recap our recent webinar on “Workplace Changes After COVID-19.” They cover employee vaccines, proof of vaccination, recruiting and onboarding, video interviews, the new workplace, in-person vs remote, employee mental health benefits, and more.

Questions? We’re here to help,

RECORDING: Workplace Changes After COVID-19

Webinar Recording

Did you miss Employco’s most recent webinar on “Workplace Changes After COVID-19” or would you like to review a portion? The full webinar recording can be viewed here, along with all of the questions and answers that followed: WEBINAR: Recording

Webinar Recording

You can view/download the slides we used during the presentation as a PDF here: WEBINAR: Presentation Slides

Please do not hesitate to reach out if there are any questions you still have or topics you were unclear on. We’re here to help!

Podcast: Getting in the Zone as You Return to Work

On this month’s HR podcast Rob, Scott, and Jason with special guest Jim Fannin (America’s ZoneCoach®) discuss getting in the zone mindset as you return to the workplace, in-office or remote. They touch on what the zone is and how it applies to a team, self-discipline, accountability, reinventing your business, positive energy, peak performance, creating a blueprint, company culture, and more. Get in the zone!

Podcast: Getting in the Zone as You Return to Work

Contact us with any questions you may have, we’re here to help:

Employco USA Hires an Accounting Associate

A human resource and employment solutions firm, Employco USA is pleased to announce the growing expansion of its staff. Employco’s newest team member:

Peggy BroedeMargaret “Peggy” Broede, Accounting Associate – Peggy will be handling the analysis of benefits, garnishments, and various categories of accounts.

“I am really excited to be part of the Employco team!” -Peggy Broede

For more information, please contact Rob Wilson at (630) 286-7345 or

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