HR Newsletter: COVID-19 Business Survey Results

Employco COVID-19 Survey Results

In early September, we closed a confidential COVID-19 survey of businesses from around the country.  Thanks to everyone who took the time to submit their responses. The survey included the following 6 questions:

  1. Are you requiring your employees to wear a mask when they are working at a company facility?
  2. Are you requiring your employees to be vaccinated?
  3. Are you tracking if your employees have been vaccinated?
  4. What percentage of your office staff is work-from-home (WFH)?
  5. Which group do you find more productive: work-from-home (WFH) or in-office employees?
  6. Compared to pre-pandemic, do you anticipate long-term changes to your work-from-home (WFH) headcount?

Click the following link or scroll through the images below to view a summary of the survey results:

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HR Newsletter: COVID-19: Vaccine Surcharges, Mandates and Incentives


COVID-19 vaccinations are a highly contentious topic in America. Many U.S. adults still haven’t gotten the shot despite the Food and Drug Administration’s recent (FDA) full approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

This reluctance is seen as a problem by health experts, who contest that vaccination is the most effective way to control the widespread coronavirus Delta variant. It’s also a problem for employers wishing to maintain uninterrupted operations and to keep employees healthy.

So, if an employer wants a vaccinated workforce but is dealing with vaccine skepticism, what are their options? We have created an HR Insights article that explores this complicated situation and discusses the multitude of choices facing employers. The article includes information on :

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No Jab, No Job? Biden Makes Sweeping Vax Mandates, as United Airlines Puts Unvaxxed Employees on Unpaid Leave

Human resources expert offers commentary on this breaking story

Vaccine MandateYesterday President Biden directed the Labor Department to mandate that any companies with more than 100 employees either require the COVID vaccination or COVID test all their employees once a week.

“Those companies that don’t comply could face thousands of dollars in fines per employee,” says Rob Wilson, HR expert and President of Employco USA, an employment solutions firm with locations across the country. “This means that even those employers who may disagree with the mandate or dislike requiring the vaccination are left with very little choice: They will have to require the mandate or face costly fines that could cost them their business.”

Meanwhile, United Airlines just made international headlines after it was revealed that the airline giant is putting all unvaccinated employees on unpaid leave, even if they have a religious exemption.

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Transgender Rights in the Workplace: What Employers Need to Know

Employment trends expert discusses Hobby Lobby ruling and what employers can learn from their costly mistake

Transgender FlagAn Illinois appeals court recently upheld a ruling deeming that Hobby Lobby’s bathroom policies violated a transgender employee’s human rights. Hobby Lobby now must pay the employee $220,000 in damages, along with potential additional damages and fees.

“Denying this transgender woman the right to use the women’s bathroom has cost Hobby Lobby a great deal of money, but as a large corporation, they can easily absorb the damages,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment trends expert. “However, other mid-size and small businesses could be decimated by such a ruling.”

No wonder many employers are wondering what they can do to avoid similar fines. There are many new regulations that companies need to adhere to if they don’t want to wind up facing civil suits like Hobby Lobby.

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COVID-19 Survey

COVID-19 Survey

Employco USA is conducting a quick, 6-question survey related to COVID-19 for businesses. If you are in management or human resources, we’d love to get your input. The survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. We will be sharing the overall results with everyone in a future follow-up post.

Click the following link to take the survey:

Thank you in advance if you are able to participate!

Survey Question

HR Chat w/Employco USA: HR Bootcamp on September 16th!

We receive a number of questions from our clients as we consult them on a variety of HR issues.

In this video, Rob and Jason discuss our upcoming HR bootcamp. This event is focused on the food industry, but open to all. We have partnered with Food Industry News and GARC Restaurant Cooperative to present 90 minutes of valuable information. HR topics we will be covering include: COVID-19, recruiting and onboarding, employee retention, compliance issues, and more.

This event will be taking place at Chicago Italian Prime in Schaumburg on September 16th at 3:00pm.

RSVP to Dawn Nelson at 630-286-7356 or

We hope to see you there!

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Preventing Employee Turnover During a Burnout Pandemic

HR expert advises on how to safeguard your company against the ‘Great Resignation’

Employee BurnoutNew research shows that employee burnout rose sharply in 2021, with a recent survey showing that only 25% of employers say that they believe their workers have been mentally engaged and productive in the past year. And 41% of workers worldwide say that they are considering quitting their current posts and finding a new job or a new industry altogether.

Employee turnover is at a record high right now. The ‘Great Resignation’ has left companies scrambling to find staff, with many workers rebelling against the prototypical 9-to-5 work model,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employee trends expert. “The pandemic gave many people a taste of a different schedule and a different way of structuring their lives. Now that it’s time to return to a new version of the old normal, many workers just aren’t interested.”

Wilson says that employers need to be cognizant of the fact that COVID has irrevocably changed the way many people look at their work/life balance.

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HR Chat w/Employco USA: Employer Guidance on Current COVID Topics

We receive a number of questions from our clients as we consult them on a variety of HR issues.

In this video, Rob and Jason give some employer guidance on current COVID topics. They cover mask requirements, mandating the vaccine vs not, what to do if an employee tests positive, CDC guidelines, best practice recommendations, liability, tips, and more.

Questions? We’re here to help,

Podcast: The Current State of the Food Industry

On this month’s HR podcast Rob, Scott, and Jason with special guest Cary Miller (Vice President of Food Industry News) discuss the current state of the food industry. They touch on COVID protocol questions (testing, masks, vaccines), CDC guidelines, employer liability, creative ways to hire and attract talent, unique employee benefits, saving money, cutting costs, and more!

Podcast: The Current State of the Food Industry

Contact us with any questions you may have, we’re here to help: