Faking COVID? Lack of COVID Tests Spell Nightmare for HR Workers

HR expert Rob Wilson explains how COVID continues to challenge HR guidelines

COVID Self-TestAccessible and accurate COVID testing is a crucial part of our return to the ‘new normal,’ particularly when it comes to getting employees back to work. This is especially true when it comes to businesses which haven’t yet required the COVID vaccine, and instead will accept negative COVID test results from unvaccinated staff.

One way that many human resource departments have navigated the challenging and divisive issue of vaccine mandates is by accepting negative COVID results in their stead. But as many cities in America are grappling with COVID testing shortages, this stopgap is no longer a viable solution, especially as even fully vaccinated people are now getting the new strain of the virus and the CDC has said that fully vaxxed Americans are still spreading Omicron,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, a nationwide employment solutions firm with clients across the country.

“And, the surge in COVID testing means that results are taking longer than before, especially without adequate lab staffing. So even if your employees CAN get tested quickly, they may be waiting days for the results.”

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Bye, Bye Boss! Jobs Report Shows 4.5M People Quit in November

Employment trends expert examines reasons behind Great Resignation and what employers can do

The Great ResignationThe Great Resignation just became the Greatest Resignation. The January jobs report reveals that a record number of people quit their positions in November… 4.5 million of them, in fact.

Is it true that people just don’t want to work, or what can explain the millions of people who have decided they no longer need gainful employment?

Rob Wilson, employment trends expert and President of Employco USA, a nationwide employment solutions firm with clients across the country, weighs in:

“While much of the media focus has been on the fact that white-collar workers are turning in their proverbial keycards, this latest jobs report actually reveals that it is low-wage workers who are quitting in the millions,” says Wilson. “Sectors like food service and hospitality are the ones who have been hit hardest by the Great Resignation.”

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Employco USA Welcomes Four New Team Members

A human resource and employment solutions firm, Employco USA is pleased to announce the growing expansion of its staff.

Employco USA Welcomes Four New Team Members

Employco’s newest team members include:

Elizabeth Goldenstein, Payroll Specialist – Elizabeth comes to us with two decades of experience in human resource and payroll systems. She will be responsible for processing payroll for Employco clients.

Maria Zanfardino, Payroll Specialist – Maria joins our team with an extensive background in finance and has specialized in payroll for the last three years. She will be responsible for processing payroll for Employco clients.

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Court Reinstates OSHA Vaccination Mandate

 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS)

On Friday Dec. 17, 2021 the 6th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals reinstated the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) federal emergency temporary standard (ETS) for COVID-19. The 6th Circuit decision reverses the stay ordered in November by the 5th Circuit and allows OSHA to resume ETS implementation and enforcement nationwide. The ETS establishes a mandatory vaccination policy requirement for private employers with 100 or more employees.

ETS opponents have already filed an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court challenging the 6th Circuit’s decision.

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HR Newsletter: Court Blocks Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors

Court Blocks Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors

On Dec. 7, 2021, a Georgia federal judge blocked the federal contractors mandate nationwide. This new order comes right after a Kentucky federal judge issued a preliminary injunction effectively blocking the implementation and enforcement of President Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal government contractors and subcontractors for Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio on Nov. 30, 2021.

Federal Contractor Vaccination Mandate – On Nov. 10, 2021, the Biden administration updated its guidance for the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force, clarifying that federal contractor employees must be fully vaccinated by Jan. 18, 2022. This update was released in conjunction with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) vaccine mandate for private employers and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) vaccine mandate for health care workers, both of which have also since been blocked in federal court.

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HR Newsletter: Company Holiday Parties This Year

Company Holiday Parties This Year

Many employees look forward to year-end workplace holiday celebrations. These events allow employees to celebrate with their colleagues and sometimes even family and guests. Importantly, these celebrations can also be a great way to drive employee engagement. While these events are often a long-standing company tradition, many organizations canceled holiday parties last year or found ways to connect virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year, holiday parties—including in-person celebrations—may be making a comeback. Some key COVID-19 vaccine developments like widespread vaccine availability and workplace vaccine mandates may be driving change in the second holiday season of the pandemic.

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HR Newsletter: 5 Hybrid Work Model Mistakes to Avoid

5 Hybrid Work Model Mistakes to Avoid

The COVID-19 pandemic forced businesses to adapt and test their operational capacities. One of the most common pivots has been remote work.

Now that workplaces are reopening, a significant number of employees want to retain their remote status. In fact, 58% of workers said they want a fully remote position, and only 3% said they wanted to return to fully in-person work, according to a recent FlexJobs survey.

So, how does a business that wants to utilize its in-person workspace deal with employees who want to stay home? For some, the answer is a hybrid work model.

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HR Newsletter: Why Is It So Hard to Find Workers Right Now?

Why Is It So Hard to Find Workers Right Now?

Employers across the country are facing an unmistakable issue right now: too many open positions and not enough workers. On its face, it might seem like there are not enough workers available for jobs—hence all the openings. But, confoundingly, that’s not the case.

The unemployment rate is still hovering just below 5%, translating to around 7.5 million unemployed Americans, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Additionally, several key COVID-19 initiatives ended at the end of summer—expanded unemployment benefits ceased, and children returned to in-person classes. As such, many economists expected workers to be spurred back into the workforce this fall. That’s decidedly not been the case; while some individuals are returning to work, others are quitting in record numbers.

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