Best Practices for Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

Top Talent

Attracting and retaining a great workforce has always been challenging. The pandemic made the job market more competitive, with many companies losing employees during the “Great Resignation.” Workers re-evaluated their priorities and began looking for opportunities that provided better compensation and a stronger cultural fit. Businesses must step up their game to remain competitive. Here are some top tips for attracting and retaining talent.

Offer the right benefits
Offering competitive benefits and perks has always been vital in a competitive hiring marketplace. Where in the past, a good compensation package only included paid time off, health insurance, and retirement savings, today, that combination is just table stakes. When competing with so many other organizations for the best new hires, offering additional benefits in your compensation package can help you win the best new employees. The pandemic caused a shift in what workers consider important benefits, and we’re seeing more employees asking for benefits that focus on their overall health and wellness.

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The Effect of Inflation on Your Employees


Inflation affects us all in various ways, including higher prices at the gas pump and increased prices on everything from rent to groceries and utilities. One of the critical effects of inflation that significantly impacts businesses is how it affects your employees’ bottom line. Inflation has a direct effect on everyone’s purchasing power, and that has a direct impact on the value of your employees’ compensation packages. 

Current wages have less value
Inflation has a direct impact on the value of your compensation packages. Inflation lowers the value of a raise or compensation package. With prices up 7.9% to 8.4%, the typical annual raise of 3%-4% is not enough to counteract the effect of inflation on the overall cost of living. It means that your compensation has less value and can leave your employees in the negative financially because their current wage may not be enough to cover their expenses.

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HR Chat w/Employco USA: Internships

In this video, Rob and Jason cover internships – a trending topic at this time of year. They discuss the next generation of young professionals, paid vs unpaid, development programs, educational training, future recruitment opportunities, the importance of feedback, and more.

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Article: Small Businesses Still Struggle to Find Enough Workers

Rob was recently quoted in an article by Mae Anderson from the Associated Press discussing small businesses who are still struggling to hire qualified workers.

“Many in the industry faced burnout after being on the front lines during two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, said Rob Wilson, president of human resources provider Employco. Some who stayed in the industry switched to larger restaurants where wages might be higher. Others left and looked into new opportunities.”

Read the full article here: Small businesses still struggle to find enough workers


What Are You Doing to Retain Your Employees?

Attract and Retain

The pandemic caused many workers to re-evaluate what they wanted out of work. Many left their jobs seeking employment with companies that matched their values or offered more competitive compensation packages. Keeping employees engaged, productive, and satisfied at work has always been challenging. Here are some tips for attracting and retaining top talent.

Build a strong company culture

Employees want to feel like their jobs make a difference and work for a company whose values reflect their own. Creating and maintaining a strong company culture is one of the best ways to attract employees who are the right fit for your company. It is also essential for keeping your employees engaged and retaining top talent. 

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HR Chat w/Employco USA: Administrative Professionals Day

Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

In this video, Rob and Jason discuss this national holiday which is celebrated on the Wednesday of the last full week of April. They cover some interesting statistics, how job duties have evolved, current demand, compensation research for different markets, career paths, and more. We’d also like to give a big thank you to all of the administrative professionals out there and on our team!

Questions? We’re here to help:

Podcast: Mental Health in the Workplace

On this month’s HR podcast Rob, Scott, and Jason cover mental health in the workplace. They discuss a recent SHRM survey that outlines where businesses stand on support, work related stress, recommendations and tips for employers, mental health resources, manager training, communication, social events, employee surveys, and more.

Mental Health in the Workplace

Contact us with any questions you may have, we’re here to help:

Engaging Employees in a Hybrid Workplace

Engaging Employees in a Hybrid Workplace

Keeping employees engaged is always challenging, even when working in the same building. Add in the challenge of a hybrid workplace, where employees could be working from anywhere, and engagement becomes difficult. 87% of employees want the ability to work remotely at least half the time. Organizations will have to find new ways to engage with their employees no matter where they are. Here are three critical things for employers to consider. 

Prioritize health and wellness

When you see your employees every day, it can be easier to see how they work and feel throughout the day or week. When employees go remote, it becomes more of a challenge to know who has a bad day or never takes a break. A hybrid workforce needs processes and policies that prioritize health and wellness. Businesses also need to acknowledge that each employee’s hybrid work experience is different, whether the setting, the distractions, or even the access to resources from the internet to internal tools and software. An employee whose health and well-being are suffering is less likely to be engaged and committed to the organization.

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26th Anniversary

Employco celebrated its 26th anniversary over the weekend on April 16th.

Bob, Rob and Scott Wilson founded the company 26 years ago; a true family business start-up. 26 years later – Employco is nationwide and one of the largest HR outsourcing firms. We are proud to have a third generation in the business. Over the years we have provided HR and insurance solutions to hundreds of companies, and have helped them save countless dollars on workers’ compensation and employee benefits through our buying power.

Thank you to our dedicated team members that have provided great customer experiences to our clients over the past 26 years. We look forward to an exciting future!

Employco's 26th Anniversary

Employco USA Hires a Human Resources Business Partner

A human resource and employment solutions firm, Employco USA is pleased to announce the growing expansion of its staff.

Employco’s newest team member:

Elli Penland

Elli Penland, Human Resources Business Partner – Elli brings a highly coveted skill set to our team, combining years of human resources experience with a true passion for client service and care. In this position, Elli will be providing human resources services to high-value clients. Her areas of focus will include: employee relations, HR compliance, benefits administration, organizational design, training and development.

“Every day is a new opportunity to change your life and be who you want to be.”Elli

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