HR Newsletter: Attracting and Retaining Employees During the Great Reshuffle

HR Newsletter: Attracting and Retaining Employees During the Great Reshuffle

While employees continue to quit their jobs at high levels, it no longer appears that massive numbers of workers are leaving the workforce entirely. Economists have begun referring to the situation as the “Great Reshuffle” as total employment in the United States continues to trend up. Employees have been finding better jobs, with key decision factors generally revolving around compensation, benefits, career advancement and workplace flexibility.

Here are some common strategies employers can explore when it comes to attracting and retaining workers in today’s labor market.

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HR Newsletter: Employee Quits Fall Slightly in April

HR Newsletter: Employee Quits Fall Slightly in April

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) recently released its April Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary. This month’s reported number of employee quits fell from a record high of 4.5 million in March to around 4.4 million in April. April marks the eleventh consecutive month that more than four million workers left their jobs.

Despite the slight decrease in total employee quits, the April report reveals that the employee-quit rate held at 2.9%. Industries like real estate and rental leasing saw a slight increase in employee quits while state and local government education decreased somewhat.

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Building a Strong Company Culture

Strong Company Culture

66% of those looking for new jobs consider company culture and values to be an important factor when considering an organization and most successful companies have a strong company culture. Company culture is the shared values, mission, ethics, and expectations of an organization. It affects every part of your organization from leadership styles to goals and expectations, the work environment, communication policies, and even branding. It is evident in how decisions are made and how employees interact with each other and your customers. Here are four things to consider when building a strong company culture.

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No NDAs or Non-Competes: Massive Workplace Changes Afoot as Employees Have All the Power

Employment trends expert says that Microsoft is not the only company trying to enhance the employee experience

Employee Experience

Microsoft just made international headlines after they revealed four new workplace initiatives aimed at attracting and retaining talent. The tech giant says they will no longer require employees to sign non-disclosure agreements or non-competes. In addition, Microsoft is committing to pay transparency for new hires and to confidentiality agreements in dispute resolution, aimed at making sure that employees feel safer coming forward about misconduct.

“What we are seeing is a complete shift in the way companies like Microsoft are approaching their staff and the traditional workplace hierarchy,” says Rob Wilson, employment trends expert and President of Employco USA, a national employment solutions firm with locations around the country. “Employers have lost a lot of their upper hand in the last 2 years. Employees have options, and they are making it very clear that they realize this.”

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Cocktail Reception RSVP

Cocktail Reception

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The Importance of Good Onboarding

Welcome to the Team

Onboarding is a vital part of your hiring activities, helping new hires acclimate to their role, their coworkers, and the company culture. It also helps with retention, as a company with good onboarding processes can see a retention rate of 69% in the first three years.

But 22% of companies have no formal onboarding program, and only 49% have some onboarding processes in place. That can leave new hires feeling less equipped to do their job and make it harder to feel like a part of the team and the company.

Onboarding is a process of integrating new employees into your organization. It starts as soon as a candidate accepts your job offer. Let’s talk about the steps of onboarding and why they’re essential.

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No Zoom for You! Elon Musk Says “Get Back to Work”

Employment trends expert talks about getting employees back in the office and dealing with COVID exposures

Back to the Office

Elon Musk made a big announcement on Tuesday: He ordered all of his executive staff to spend at least 40 hours in the office every week, or risk losing their positions. “This is less than we ask of factory workers,” said Musk, in the employee memo which was leaked to the press.

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment trends expert, says that Elon Musk’s message is aligned with what he is hearing from his clients across the country.

“Employers want their staff back at work,” says Wilson. “Despite the fact that many employees are happy being hybrid or even fully remote, many companies want to get their productivity back on track after a rough couple of years. And since culture-leaders like Musk and other tech giants like Microsoft are pushing employees back to the office, I think this will set a precedent that smaller firms will also follow.”

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The HR Side of Scaling Your Business

The HR Side of Scaling Your Business

In today’s market, every company has aggressive goals for growth, whether growing the business internally or through a merger. Typically, business owners approach scaling as solely revenue-based. That can mean that HR becomes an afterthought in your strategic plan. But the truth is that having a plan for scaling your HR as your business grows is vital to the success of growth overall. Here are some HR things to consider when creating your strategic growth plan.

Company Culture
One of the keys to growing your business is a plan to increase the number of employees, whether through recruiting or through merging with another business. Strong company culture helps you attract better talent and retain the great talent you already have. But if you haven’t paid attention to your company culture or considered how the culture of merging businesses may differ, that can hurt both retention and recruiting. Continue reading