Employco USA Hires a Receptionist

A human resource and employment solutions firm, Employco USA is pleased to announce the growing expansion of its staff.

Employco’s newest team member:

Mary Gulczynski

Mary Gulczynski, Receptionist – Mary comes to us as a clerical professional adding a broad range of experience and expertise to assist our team in day-to-day operations. She will be handling phone calls, mail/deliveries, greeting guests, verifications of employment, and other duties.

“Everyone seemed very down to earth and I suddenly realized this is not an ordinary company. This was a multi-faceted company that intrigued me and therefore I wanted to be a part of that team.”Mary

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Biden’s Auditing Army Will Push Small Businesses to the Brink

HR expert Rob Wilson says small business owners need to be prepared for the IRS crackdown


If you are a business owner, an IRS audit could be headed your way very soon. Last Sunday, Senate Democrats voted unanimously to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which will allocate billions and billions of dollars to beefing up the IRS department…including the addition of 87,000 new IRS agents.

“Biden’s legislation plans to devote $80 billion to the hiring of 87,000 new IRS auditors,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment trends expert. “The funds which are received from auditing Americans are meant to help curtail costs incurred from new tax legislation. Unfortunately, it’s going to be America’s small businesses who end up feeling the brunt of these measures.”

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What Does Stagflation Mean for the HR Side of Your Business?


For workers in their 50s or younger, the term stagflation may be unfamiliar. But anyone who experienced the combination of high inflation and recession in the 1970s is well-acquainted with this unfortunate economic phenomenon. The factors that produced stagflation are back again today. Businesses will need to evaluate their operations to see what can be optimized to help fine-tune their operations in a challenging economy. Evaluating your HR processes and expenditures can play a significant role in helping your organization navigate stagflation.

Stagflation – Then and Now
During the 1970s, the Fed pursued aggressive strategies to reduce employment after the Vietnam War – even in the face of high inflation. Spending on social programs also rose significantly during this period. At the same time, the oil embargo and rising production costs added to the increase in consumer prices while generating a recession.

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Bye, Bye to Your Employees? New Survey Finds That 40% Of Full-Time Workers Are Considering Going Freelance

Employment trends expert weighs in on new findings and what employers can do to reduce the ever-rising employee attrition rate

Last April, a report from Gartner HR predicted that the annual turnover of U.S. employees would increase by a full 20% this year. Now, a new survey from professional development company Kantata shows that 4 out of 10 full-time American employees are seeking to go freelance.

“The Kantata survey shows that flexibility and freedom are the new must-haves for employees,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, an employment solutions firm with locations across the country. “The pandemic is partially behind this new drive for more autonomy. Results showed that 60% of American workers say that working remotely became more attractive to them recently.”

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HR Tips When Entering a Recession

HR Tips

Dealing with the prospect of an economic downturn is challenging for any organization. It’s better to be out in front of it than behind and the time to plan is NOW. Here are some HR strategies to help your organization weather a recession.

Evaluate Your Employees’ Skills and Provide Training
In an overall strategy to help reduce costs, employees are often asked to do more with less. That’s especially true during a recession, where employees may need to take on additional tasks or work when an open position is put on hold or layoffs are necessary. Now is the time to evaluate your employees’ skills to ensure you have the right people in the right positions. Investigate where you can upskill or cross-train people for potential new roles, and then provide that training. Succession planning can also help you evaluate who could step into a position if an employee departs, helping to maintain continuity.

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Can We Talk? Communication Policies in the Hybrid Workplace

In any company, good communication is vital. Effective communication promotes trust and builds stronger teams across the company as it helps strengthen relationships. It boosts productivity and can help resolve issues quickly. Having the right communication strategies and policies in a hybrid workplace becomes even more critical and challenging. In-office communication is often synchronous, with many face-to-face interactions in real-time throughout the workday. But in a hybrid workplace, with employees spread out across various workspaces and time zones, much of the communication throughout the day becomes asynchronous, and it’s easy for communications to slip through the cracks. Here are some strategies for maintaining good communications in a hybrid workplace.

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The HR Side of Preparing for a Recession

Employment trends expert Rob Wilson weighs in on how employers can prepare for a recession


While many people were encouraged by the positive jobs report at the beginning of the month, other experts say that we should brace ourselves for the possible reality of another recession.

“The fact that we added so many jobs in June is wonderful news, but it can also be very misleading,” says Rob Wilson of Employco USA, an employment solutions firm with locations across the country. “I think part of the reason why we gained so many jobs at the start of the summer is that many college-aged kids and young people took summer work, but when fall hits, I think we may have disappointing numbers again.”

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Podcast: The HR Side of Preparing for a Recession

On this month’s HR podcast Rob, Scott, and Jason cover the HR side of preparing for a recession, “we’d rather be out in front of it than be behind it.” They discuss recent stats and figures, triggering effects, wages not keeping up with inflation, the decline in consumer spending, tips on planning ahead, reducing costs, outsourcing your HR and benefits, succession planning, open communication, building trust and transparency, and more!

The HR Side of Preparing for a Recession

Contact us with any questions you may have, we’re here to help: hr@employco.com