HR Newsletter: Building Employee Skills with Microlearning


Addressing current and future skills gaps is a top workplace challenge for employers today. In addition, learning and development are key priorities for workers in today’s competitive labor market who may seek out a new employer if their current one does not offer the career development opportunities they desire.

While employers can approach these challenges in various ways, many are leveraging microlearning, which provides an affordable, feasible and time-friendly opportunity to build employee skills.

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HR Newsletter: 2022 Second Half HR Trends to Monitor

HR Trends

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, HR professionals have faced many challenges, including the health impacts of COVID-19 on workers and ongoing attraction and retention challenges.

Here are some trends to monitor for the remainder of 2022.

High Inflation Rates – According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ June consumer price index, inflation in the United States has increased to 9.1% in the past 12 months. This is its largest increase since 1981. As a result, workers desire competitive compensation during this time. In turn, employers are exploring strategies such as reevaluating employee benefits, continuing remote work, increasing compensation and offering improved retirement benefits.

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HR Newsletter: Long COVID Keeping Up to 4 Million Workers Out of Labor Market


Long COVID-19—long-term effects stemming from COVID-19 infection—continues to impact the labor market and the health of employees. The U.S. Census Bureau’s June to July 2022 Household Pulse Survey found that 16.3 million working-age Americans currently have long COVID. It has been reported that long COVID is even keeping some workers out of employment; an estimated 4 million workers are out of the labor market, according to Brookings Institution’s nonresident senior fellow Katie Bach. With so many out of work, employers should continue to monitor trends such as long COVID rates, the effect long COVID is having on their workforce’s productivity and other related issues so they can be prepared to respond effectively.

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HR Newsletter: Job Openings Rise in July, with Employee Quits Trending Down

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) recently released its July Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary. The month’s reported number of job openings rose to 11.2 million in July, compared with 11 million in June. Openings in July were well above the estimate and still outnumbered unemployed workers by about 5.5 million. Job openings notably increased across many sectors, including the following:

  • Transportation, warehousing and utilities
  • Arts, entertainment and recreation
  • Federal government
  • State and local government education

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HR Strategies to Strengthen Your Business

HR Strategies to Strengthens Your Business

To achieve strategic goals, your company needs to recruit, hire, develop, and retain top talent. Having a strong HR strategy that works in partnership with your business strategy supports those activities, helping strengthen your business while maximizing your talent and resources. You need an HR team that understands how the two strategies work together. Employco can help ensure that your HR strategy is supported by policies, tools, and objectives aligned with your overall strategic goals to drive success. Here are some ways HR strategy helps support your business strategy and strengthen your business.

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WEBINAR: The HR Side of Scaling Your Business

WEBINAR: The HR Side of Scaling Your Business

Is your business ready to grow? As companies scale, people operations become more complex. A lack of properly planned human resources initiatives can have detrimental effects on reaching revenue and profitability goals.

Join Employco USA’s Rob Wilson and Jason Eisenhut for a quick-hitting webinar that will touch on the following growth strategy topics:

    • Recruiting and onboarding
    • Retention and engagement
    • Total compensation philosophy
    • HR tools and technology
    • Company culture

You’ll be able to join us at 10:00am CT on Tuesday, September 27th from your computer, tablet, or smartphone (you can also dial-in):


Register Here

You can also use our registration form to submit questions you’d like to see answered/covered during the webinar.

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Podcast: Trade Shows – Where We’re at Now and a Look into the Future

On this month’s HR podcast Rob, Scott, and Jason are joined by special guest Rob West (Vice President of Operations for Sho-Link) to discuss trade shows – where we’re at now and a look into the future. They touch on the big recovery, more attendees returning, shows filling up faster, the demand for good labor, going full throttle, and the challenges faced. They also look into their crystal ball and talk recession, inflation, budgets, how the industry continues to move forward, and more!

Podcast: Trade Shows – Where We’re at Now and a Look into the Future

Contact us with any questions you may have, we’re here to help:

Benefits Can Save You Money

Employee Benefits

Your benefits package is a powerful tool to help your organization and employees achieve their goals, whether they are focusing on fostering wellness, building financial security, or improving work-life balance. Going into 2023, most employers look at benefits packages as a recruiting tool to help them attract and retain top talent in a challenging economy, but did you realize the right offerings can save you money? More than 66% of organizations say they would like to decrease the costs of their benefits packages without sacrificing the benefits. By working with a company like Employco, that can happen. Maximizing your offerings to provide desired benefits while maintaining a budget will be vital to creating the right benefits package for 2023. As organizations start to plan for their 2023 enrollment periods, it’s important to understand how you can decrease costs without sacrificing the benefits you offer.

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