HR Newsletter: Employer’s Guide to Navigating a Recession

HR Newsletter: Employer’s Guide to Navigating a Recession

A recession’s impact on employers can vary greatly. Employers of all sizes and industries generally experience reduced sales and profits due to changes in consumer behaviors, forcing organizations to embrace cost-cutting measures. These measures include layoffs, reductions in spending, and decreased marketing and research. A recession can also curb an organization’s access to credit and lessen overall cash flow, leading to an increase in bankruptcies. The strategies employers implement to mitigate the effects of a recession can greatly impact whether their organizations withstand such an economic downturn. Therefore, employers can prepare for a recession by taking steps now to limit recession-related ramifications and maintain financial stability.

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HR Newsletter: Understanding the Quiet Hiring Trend

HR Newsletter: Understanding the Quiet Hiring Trend

Employers are likely familiar with “quiet quitting,” where employees put no more effort into their jobs than necessary, or “quiet firing,” where employers or managers slowly pull back employees’ duties instead of outright firing them. Now, there’s another phrase gaining traction in workplaces: “quiet hiring.”

Overview of Quiet Hiring – Quiet hiring is when companies upskill existing employees and move them to new roles or give them greater job duties to fit business needs. This often happens when an employee leaves an organization, leaving their role or responsibilities open. This strategy can be an efficient, cost-effective way for employers to snag in-demand talent without going through traditional external hiring channels.

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HR Newsletter: 5 Employment Policies to Review in 2023

HR Newsletter: 5 Employment Policies to Review in 2023

Employee handbooks are important tools for establishing employee expectations, addressing workplace issues, and defending against potential lawsuits. Failing to update employee handbooks regularly can make employers vulnerable to legal risks and liabilities, resulting in costly fines, penalties, and attorneys’ fees. Employment laws are often complicated, and employers need to be aware of any new regulatory developments that may impact their organizations and workforce. The start of the year provides employers with an excellent opportunity to review and update their employment policies. The following list summarizes the five key policies employers should review to ensure their employment practices and policies are current and reflect the most recent regulatory developments.

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HR Chat w/Employco USA: Quiet Hiring

In this video, Rob and Jason discuss the quiet hiring trend. They start by giving us a recap of quiet quitting and firing and then dive into quiet hiring. They discuss the positives, from upskilling your employees to advancement and growth, as well as the potential caveats/negatives, the importance of two-way communication, and more!

Questions? We’re here to help:

The Sad Truth about Our “Record-Low” Unemployment Rate

Employment trends expert offers an enlightening viewpoint of our national employment rate 


When The White House released January’s jobs report, many people were excited to see that the unemployment rate was being touted as the lowest since May 1969. But employment trends expert Rob Wilson says that the numbers fail to tell the whole story.

“The official unemployment rate for January was 3.4 percent, but I would estimate that the unemployment rate is actually triple that,” says Wilson, President of Employco USA, an employment solutions firm with locations across the country.

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Employco Employee Benefits Program Overview

At Employco, we provide customized solutions to businesses across the entire country.

In this video, Jason Eisenhut (Vice President of Human Resources) gives us an overview of Employco’s benefits program. “Today’s employee marketplace is super competitive. The number one area is wages as they continue to rise, and the number two area is employee benefits. As you look across that landscape of employee benefits, what makes Employco different?”

For more information feel free to reach out to us directly, we’d love to be a resource for your business.

Podcast: Leadership w/Special Guest J.J. Cummings

On this month’s HR podcast Rob, Scott, and Jason are joined by retired Navy Captain J.J. Cummings (Leadership Consultant). J.J. shares a number of leadership insights from his experience as a Naval advisor for the film Top Gun: Maverick to being the Commanding Officer of the USS Gerald R. Ford – the largest ship in the Navy fleet.

They touch on how to approach different generations entering the workforce, the importance of onboarding and setting a positive tone from day one, explaining the “why”, the significance of LBWA (“Lead by Walking Around”), showing your employees you care, keeping an open door, making time, handwritten notes, employee engagement and feedback, anonymous surveys, implementing changes, and more!

“Don’t tell them you care. SHOW them you care.” -J.J. Cummings

Podcast: Leadership w/Special Guest J.J. Cummings

Contact us with any questions you may have, we’re here to help:

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HR Newsletter: State Legislative Updates

HR Newsletter: State Legislative Updates

California – FAQs Explain New Requirement to Include Pay Scale in Job Postings: The California Labor Commissioner has issued guidance on the new law that requires all employers to provide the pay scale to an employee or applicant upon request and employers with 15 or more employees to include the pay scale in any job posting, effective Jan. 1, 2023. The guidance, as summarized in this Legal Update, is in numbers 27 through 34 of the Labor commissioner’s Equal Pay Law FAQs. Click here to read the California Legal Update.

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HR Newsletter: Union Membership Rates Decreased in 2022

HR Newsletter: Union Membership Rates Decreased in 2022

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statics (BLS), the rate of labor union membership decreased from 10.3% in 2021 to 10.1% in 2022. The 2022 unionization rate is the lowest since the BLS started tracking comparable union data in 1983. Despite the decrease in the union membership rate, the number of wage and salary workers belonging to unions, at 14.3 million in 2022, increased by 273,000 from 2021. This is likely due to the increase in the total number of wage and salary workers in the United States, including those who didn’t join unions. The BLS’ release explained that the “disproportionately large increase in the number of total wage and salary employment compared with the increase in the number of union members led to a decrease in the union membership rate.”

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