(Fox Business) Conservative Group Challenges Kellogg’s Workplace Diversity Programs

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, was recently interviewed for a Fox Business article titled “Conservative group challenges Kellogg’s workplace diversity programs.”

Snippet from the article:
“I think you’re going to see more cases like this, where either someone like America First or employees who feel that they’ve been discriminated against,” Rob Wilson, president and co-founder of human resources outsourcing company Employco USA, told FOX Business. “This case is going to be watched pretty closely by corporate America just to see what direction EEOC goes at this point.”

Wilson explained that the parties are likely to go through a preliminary mediation process ahead of a potential hearing in the months ahead. He added that a resolution through mediation appears to be unlikely in this case and that he would “expect a hearing in the next six months.”

Read the full article here:

Podcast Clip: How Amy Alcott Got Started in Golf

Check out this snippet from our HR podcast, where Amy Alcott shares the heartfelt tale of her golf beginnings.

“My dad gave me a cut-off golf club about 15 inches long, chopped it off, put some black duct tape on it, and a golf ball, and I started pushing balls into the sprinkler heads in the front yard – which affectionately became known in the neighborhood as the Alcott Golf and Country Club.”

Tune in to the full podcast featuring Amy on our blog:
Podcast: Golf and HR w/Amy Alcott

Podcast: Golf and HR w/Amy Alcott

On this month’s HR podcast, Rob, Scott, and Jason are joined by world champion golfer Amy Alcott, Employco’s Golf Ambassador, and business development expert John Carr. They discuss a few HR insights while Amy shares some great golf stories with the team, including how Amy got her start, her first professional tournament, her iconic jump at Mission Hills Country Club, some of her favorite courses she has played, what Employco is bringing to the golf industry, and more!

You’re passionate about golf; we’re passionate about HR and insurance. Contact us today to help eliminate your business headaches, giving you the Power to Compete!


Podcast: Golf and HR w/Amy Alcott

(HR Dive) What Should HR Know About Recent Child Labor Law Rollbacks?

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, was recently interviewed for an HR Dive article titled “What should HR know about recent child labor law rollbacks?”

Snippet from the article:
While state child labor rollbacks may revise regulations around work hours and age requirements that could make it easier to employ younger workers, the laws typically do not spell out specific additional training requirements for these workers, said Wilson.

Employers that decide to employ minor workers should take a close look at safety and training requirements for the jobs in which those employees will work, he continued; “The biggest exposure that we see is the safety and training,” Wilson said, adding that minors “should definitely receive the minimum level of training that an adult would receive, if not more.”

Read the full article here:

What Should HR Know About Recent Child Labor Law Rollbacks?

Let us know if you have any questions or want more information; we’re here to help!

HR Newsletter: State Legislative Updates

HR Newsletter: State Legislative Updates

Colorado Law Expands and Clarifies Pay Transparency Requirements – On June 5, 2023, Colorado enacted a new law, Senate Bill (SB) 105, that expands pay transparency and related requirements under the Colorado Wage Equality Law. The new law is effective Jan. 1, 2024. Employers must make reasonable efforts to announce, post or otherwise make all job opportunities known to current employees before making a promotion decision. SB 105 also requires employers to provide current employees with information about the candidate selected for each job opportunity. Read more: Colorado Legal Update

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HR Newsletter: Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Ruling Could Impact Workplace DEIB Programs

HR Newsletter: Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Ruling Could Impact Workplace DEIB Programs

The U.S. Supreme Court issued several consequential decisions as its most recent term ended, including addressing affirmative action programs in college admissions at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina. While these rulings will likely not directly affect employers, they may impact workplace diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) initiatives, including how organizations promote and implement them.

  • Individual Lawsuits – While the Supreme Court’s rulings did not directly address hiring or employment practices, employers may face increased scrutiny over their hiring practices and DEIB initiatives. This will likely take the form of individual reverse discrimination lawsuits, with applicants or employees claiming to be disadvantaged by an employer’s DEIB initiatives. For example, employers that rely on DEIB programs that impact employment decisions could be at a higher risk of potential litigation than those that simply offer employee resource groups (ERG).

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HR Newsletter: Misclassification of Employees as Independent Contractors

HR Newsletter: Misclassification of Employees as Independent Contractors

When an employee is misclassified as an independent contractor instead of an employee, they are denied crucial benefits and standard labor protections under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The FLSA, enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Wage and Hour Division (WHD), establishes standards for recordkeeping, overtime pay, minimum wage, and youth employment in the private sector and for federal, state, and local governments.

On Oct. 13, 2022, the DOL published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to rescind its 2021 independent contractor classification rule under the FLSA and replace it with new guidance for how employers should interpret employee or independent contractor status. The agency recently indicated that it will likely publish a final independent contractor rule in October 2023. The proposed revision is intended to reduce the likelihood that employees will be misclassified as independent contractors and improve clarity for employers. If the proposed rule comes into effect, it will likely impact most employers. Employers are not required to change how they classify employees until the DOL’s proposed rule is finalized.

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HR Newsletter: New Form I-9 and Updates

HR Newsletter: New Form I-9 and Updates

New Form – On Aug. 1, 2023, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, published an updated version of Form I-9. USCIS has indicated that employers may begin using the new form immediately and that use of the expired form (dated “10/19/2019”) will be allowed through Oct. 31, 2023. Beginning Nov. 1, 2023, employers will need to use the newest version of the form or face potential penalties. The new version of the form can be accessed by clicking the following link: New Form I-9.

Form I-9 Summary of Changes – The new version contains changes to the form and instructions, including shortening the Form I‑9 to one page and reducing the instructions to eight pages. Click the following link to view: USCIS’s Summary of Form I-9 Changes.

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HR Newsletter: Recruiting Tips and Tricks- 3 New Infographics

Recruiting Tips and Tricks- 3 New Infographics

As talent shortages persist across industries, an increasing number of employers are grappling with the need to adapt to the “new normal” to address this challenge effectively. Hiring managers are encountering a significant shift in which they find themselves dealing with an inadequate number of candidates or insufficient resources (e.g., budget and staffing) to meet the high demand for candidates. The 3 infographics below provide tips and tricks to help hiring managers improve their recruiting efforts.

Strategies to Improve Hiring Outcomes – Prioritizing the quality of new hires can improve employee retention and morale, decreasing turnover costs. Employers should analyze their recruitment and onboarding practices for more positive hiring outcomes. Click the following link to view the infographic: Strategies to Improve Hiring Outcomes

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HR Chat w/Employco USA: How Small Businesses Can Address Talent Shortages

Discover actionable strategies for small businesses facing talent shortages in this HR Chat with Rob and Jason. As labor shortages continue to challenge companies across the nation, finding quality employees has become increasingly difficult. Learn how to adjust your hiring approach by prioritizing skills over education, promoting internal job opportunities, and leveraging technology for a streamlined workplace.

Let Employco guide you in navigating the competitive landscape and attracting the right talent to ensure your business’s growth and success. Contact us for more details on how we can help!

https://www.employco.com/contact or hr@employco.com.