DISC and Sales Zoom Event October 26th

Got the sales blues?

DISC and Sales Zoom Event October 26th
An individual’s behavioral pattern and personality impacts how they evaluate and make decisions. Using a proven tool to identify these traits, like the DISC Profile, will improve the effectiveness of your selling and marketing approaches!

A program that will teach you:

  • Your selling profile and how it is seen
  • Your prospect’s profile and how to speak to them
  • How to increase closes through 5-Step interviewing model

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RECORDING: The HR Side of Scaling Your Business

RECORDING: The HR Side of Scaling Your Business

Did you miss Employco’s most recent webinar or would you like to review a portion? The full webinar recording can be viewed here along with all of the questions and answers that followed: WEBINAR: The HR Side of Scaling Your Business

WEBINAR: The HR Side of Scaling Your Business

You can view/download the slides we used during the presentation as a PDF here: WEBINAR: Presentation Slides

Please do not hesitate to reach out if there are any questions you still have or topics you were unclear on. We’re here to help!

From Long COVID to Quiet Quitting, These Are the 5 HR Trends You Need to Monitor

HR Trends

Employment trends expert shares the trends that are impacting your workplace right now

This week over 1,200 New York Times staffers refused to return to the office. The employees say that they will not budge until the news corporation agrees to their demands. Meanwhile, railroad workers have also threatened to strike, with President Biden quickly making a tentative deal to ensure American railways stay operational.

“We are witnessing the beginning of a hugely impactful trend: Strikes and walkouts are going to be much more commonplace in the coming years, and employers need to know how to manage these situations,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment trends expert. “From railroad companies to the New York Times to Harper Collins to the Weyerhaeuser timber company, employees in all different industries are utilizing strikes to demand more benefits, more time off, and even the right to work from home if they choose.”

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WEBINAR: The HR Side of Scaling Your Business

WEBINAR: The HR Side of Scaling Your Business

Is your business ready to grow? As companies scale, people operations become more complex. A lack of properly planned human resources initiatives can have detrimental effects on reaching revenue and profitability goals.

Join Employco USA’s Rob Wilson and Jason Eisenhut for a quick-hitting webinar that will touch on the following growth strategy topics:

    • Recruiting and onboarding
    • Retention and engagement
    • Total compensation philosophy
    • HR tools and technology
    • Company culture

You’ll be able to join us at 10:00am CT on Tuesday, September 27th from your computer, tablet, or smartphone (you can also dial-in):


Register Here

You can also use our registration form to submit questions you’d like to see answered/covered during the webinar.

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