Study Reveals Why Some Salaries Should Be Secret…but Some Shouldn’t

H.R. expert explains new research and how employers should apply it to their workplace

SalariesA new study has found something interesting: When employees know how much their boss makes, they work harder as a result. But, other evidence has shown that when employees know how much their colleagues make…they work less hard.

What can explain this difference? And, what does it mean for employers?

“Salary transparency is a complicated issue,” says human resources expert Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, a employment-solutions firm with locations across the country. “The truth is that there won’t be a one-size-fits-all approach that works for every company, but there are a few basic things that every employer should know.”

First, Wilson says that as this study shows, employees actually like to know that their boss is doing well financially. “If the top tier people are struggling financially, that can make employees insecure and unmotivated,” says Wilson. “Employees want to feel like they are being led by someone who is doing well for himself or herself. This is both aspirational and comforting, as they know that the company is in good hands and has a solid future.”

However, Wilson says that salary transparency among coworkers can become problematic.

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Companies Commit to Hire Workers with Autism, but is the Workplace Autism-Friendly?

Employment expert explains what adaptations employers should make for employees with autism

Companies like SAP and Microsoft have recently made a committed effort to start hiring employees who fall on the autism spectrum. This is timely, as more people than ever are being diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Although varying in degree, individuals with ASD can require several modifications to the workplace. However, 80 percent of people with autism struggle to find employment, likely because employers are not well-versed in this condition and how to manage it in the workplace.

DeskRob Wilson, President of Employco USA says, “It’s important to become educated about these conditions and to realize that some people genuinely do need to have modifications made to their workplaces to be successful at their duties. Just as we do not hesitate to make handicap-accessible restrooms, we should similarly be willing to work with those who have developmental disorders.”

Wilson says that hiring staff with ASD can be incredibly beneficial for your company.Experts theorize that if great thinkers like Einstein and Newton were alive today, they would be diagnosed with ASD.  No wonder corporations like Microsoft and Walgreens are going out of their way to seek job candidates with autism. These firms realize that autism has amazingly powerful advantages: People with autism tend to be highly intelligent and highly focused workers, along with loyal employees,” he says.

Here, Wilson outlines steps that companies should take to make their workplaces ASD-friendly:

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No Lunch for You! New Study Says Your Boss Judges You for Taking Lunch Breaks

H.R. expert weighs in on new findings and why the research is so troubling

HungryA recent study has discovered that many employees are afraid to take their lunch breaks. Rather than appear ‘lazy’ before their manager or boss, they opt to skip their appointed lunch break…even though that can have a negative impact on their ability to perform as well as their general mood and well-being.

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and human resources expert says, “The study found that almost 20 percent of employees are worried their boss judges them when they take a lunch break. 13 percent worry that their coworkers judge them for taking a break.”

And, sadly, Wilson says that these fears are not unfounded.

“The same study found that bosses do indeed judge employees for taking breaks. 22 percent of bosses believe that employees who take regular lunch breaks are not as hard-working as employees who do not, and 34 percent of bosses say that they take into account how often an employee takes lunch breaks when they are evaluating their job performance,” says the Chicago-based president of the employee solutions firm Employco USA.

Unfortunately, says Wilson, this particular management belief (that employees who take lunch breaks are slacking off) can actually be harmful to a company. “Almost 90 percent of employees say that a lunch break makes them feel refreshed and ready to return to work with a clear mind. Other research has borne out the fact that taking breaks is good for an employee’s mood, precision and creative abilities.”

Wilson says it’s time to start changing the way that bosses think about lunch breaks and for managers to step up and start encouraging people to take their lunch breaks every day.

“Don’t think of it as losing money,” says Wilson. “But, rather a way to improve your bottom line and retain your staff. A happy, rested employee is an employee who is going to give 100 percent and be a credit to your company.”

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at

Update: This blog post was quoted by Business Vancouver in an 07/17/18 article, read more here:

Business Vancouver

The Illegal Questions Employers Ask on Job Interviews

Employment expert weighs in on the most common illegal questions interviewees face

InterviewPrevious research has revealed that in 1 in 5 employers have asked illegal questions during interviews. And, a recent study led by The Associated Press and CNBC found that many job interview candidates say that they have still been asked inappropriate (and illegal) questions about things such as their age and intention to have children.

Rob Wilson, human resources expert and President of Employco USA (a Chicago-based employment solutions firm), says, “The reality is that many employers and hiring managers are asking questions that are either blatantly illegal or just hovering near that line. Yet I think it’s important to note that these people are not willfully thumbing their nose at the law, but that they lack the training and the knowledge required to handle interviews in a professional and ethical manner.”

Not to mention, says Wilson, the laws which regulate job interview questions are ever-changing. Questions which used to be considered par-for-the-course, such as questions about a person’s criminal background, could soon be against the law.

“People in many states are working to keep questions about an interview candidate’s criminal history out of the job interview process all together,” says Wilson. “They view these questions as discriminatory and depending on where you live, questions about a person’s criminal background have already been removed from job applications.”

So, what other questions are off the table when it comes to a job interview?

Wilson says, “Questions about a person’s age and marital status are no-go’s. And, while you can ask about any vacations or traveling plans a person has in the future, you cannot ask about their intention to have children…even if you see a visible baby bump! Additionally, you cannot inquire about a person’s religious or political beliefs.”

Employment expert Rob Wilson also adds that in many cases, asking about a person’s salary history could also be frowned upon. “There is a movement to remove questions about salary history from the interview process. Proponents say that this could help to repair the gender pay gap as well as racial pay gaps.”

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at

Suicide in the Workplace is Rising: What Employers Need to Know

H.R. expert talks warning signs and suicide prevention in the workplace

DepressionIn the heels of the recent tragedies of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, many employers might wonder how they can best support their employees and colleagues who might be struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. This is a valid concern, as workplace suicides have become a more common event in recent years.

According to the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics, suicides have increased by 35% in the last 10 years,  and The Wall Street Journal says, “As suicide rates have climbed in recent years, so have instances of employees ending their lives at the workplace.”

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and human resources expert explains, “Of the 44,965 suicides in 2016, 291 of these deaths occurred in the workplace, which is a record high of workplace suicides.”

The trauma of a workplace suicide can be deeply devastating for coworkers and colleagues, even for those who did not directly witness the event or know the employee involved. “People instantly start to blame themselves and wonder what they could have done differently. They might feel anxious or have difficulty concentrating. The ripple effect will touch the entire office, whether your company is large or small.”

So, what should employers do to help support their staff?

“Every company should consider having an employee-assistance program for times like this. You can hire a therapist, particularly one with experience in suicide prevention. Create set times during the week where each employee will have time to sit down and speak with the counselor,” says Wilson. “You could also consider putting literature from the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline somewhere in the office, such as the employee break room or kitchen. And, when you see an employee who seems especially rundown or overworked, you might consider having a one-on-one chat with them and making sure they are okay. Encourage everyone to use their vacation time and to take time away from the office to clear their head.”

Wilson concludes, “The sad reality is that we are having a mental health crisis in our country at the moment. Some industries are having a particularly hard time right now, such as the New York Taxi Workers Alliance which recently shared the news that yet another taxi driver had taken his life due to extreme financial strain, making him the 6th NYC cabbie this year to make this heartbreaking choice. But, no matter where you work, our country’s current climate is tense, combative and anxiety-inducing. We all need to reach out and support one another a little bit better.”

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at

Podcast: Legal vs. Illegal Interview Questions

Rob, Scott, and Jason discuss legal vs. illegal interview questions; from laws that prohibit hiring discrimination to questions that you can and cannot ask. Plus, some recommendations on best practices for interview scenarios.

Employco also has an upcoming live webinar discussing “Legal Recruiting and Hiring” on June 21st. Register here:

Interview Questions

Contact us with any questions you may have, we’re here to help:

Webinar: June 2018

Legal Recruiting and Hiring

Webinar, June 2018

Join us on Thursday, June 21 for a live, 30-minute webinar designed to provide you with information on the latest legal trends and requirements related to recruiting and hiring new employees.

The recruiting and hiring process is complicated enough without the additional burden of having to worry about potential legal concerns and discrimination claims. Several federal and state laws influence a company’s search, evaluation, and selection of new employees. To help avoid discrimination claims, information requested from the applicant should be directly related to the position he or she is interviewing for.

Registration is FREE for current Employco clients and first time participants (the cost is $249 otherwise).

Webinar Registration

California Says “No Medical Marijuana at Work”

Employment expert explains why groundbreaking bill was shot down, and what employees need to know

CaliforniaLast week, California made the decision to shelve a law which would have offered workplace protections to employees who are qualified to use medical marijuana. In part, the bill could have allowed these qualified users to be “under the influence” of medical marijuana at work, provided that they were not unduly impaired or having a negative impact on the company.

“Critics of California’s AB-2069 said that the bill was too broad and impinged on an employer’s ability to maintain a drug-free workplace,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment solutions expert. “This is an issue that is only growing in size and scope, as many states now allow marijuana use, either medically or recreationally or both. This has led to some very murky waters for employers, especially as some states prohibit the discrimination of employees with a medical marijuana card, while other states do not.”

So, what should an employer do to navigate this issue?

First, Wilson advises employers to get familiar with their state’s specific legislation. He also says, “If your employees are part of a collective bargaining unit, then it is likely that drug stipulations already exist, including specific limits for drug use. For example, in a recent case, an employee was found to be under the influence while on the job, but he claimed his medical marijuana card gave him permission to use while working. However, a drug test revealed that he was 10 times above his prescribed limit.”

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