How to ICE-Proof Your Business in 2019

Employment expert explains how businesses can stay on the right side of immigration law

ICE RaidPresident Trump has made global headlines with his most-recent tweets which pledge to build a border wall at Mexico’s expense. Meanwhile immigration crackdowns at places of business will no doubt continue to increase during 2019.

In fact, ICE reports a 650 percent surge in workplace arrests since Trump became president.

“Employment audits are part of President Donald Trump’s commitment to changing the face of immigration policy in this country,” says Rob Wilson, employment trends expert and President of Employco USA. “Businesses need to realize that this administration is taking immigration records very seriously, and if they fail to produce the proper paperwork when questioned, they could face fines or even criminal charges.”

Wilson says that states like California, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York and Texas should be on special alert, as it is known that these are the states with the highest number of undocumented workers.

“President Trump is going to start by cracking down in places that are known to have a history of undocumented workers,” says Wilson. “And, he’s going to be tough on employers. Unlike past administrations which focused more on the workers themselves, Thomas Homan, acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, promises a significant increase on work site raids and he says that they will prosecute those who knowingly hire undocumented workers.”

The employment trends expert says that there are several things companies need to do in order to ensure that their businesses are “ICE-proof,” including:

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Webinar: December 2018

New Hire Onboarding

Employco Webinar, December 2018

Join us on Wednesday, December 19 for a live, 30-minute webinar designed to provide you with information on the latest best practices related to new hire onboarding.

The term “onboarding” is often tossed around, but not everyone knows what it is or how to do it. In basic terms, onboarding is the process of getting new hires acclimated to their new roles. It includes setting clear guidelines for performance and company culture, and sharing the knowledge necessary for success within an organization.

Onboarding takes training and orientation to the next level. Unlike traditional employee orientation, onboarding is a systematic process that extends well beyond the first day of employment. The goal of the process is to cultivate a long-term relationship between the employer and the employee while fostering a feeling of belonging and of making the right career choice.

Registration is FREE for current Employco clients and first time participants (the cost is $249 otherwise).

Webinar Registration

Jim Fannin Show: Scaling the Wall of Scrutiny

Rob was recently a guest on Jim Fannin’s weekly podcast, The Jim Fannin Show:

“This episode of the Jim Fannin Show spotlights the mindset required to reach the formidable apex of peak performance in the most competitive situations, conditions and circumstances.  Reaching your ultimate dream or vision is NOT easy.  However, I look forward to providing a Sherpa’s take on the ins and outs of success mountain climbing.

This week you’ll learn:

  • How special guest and HR expert Rob Wilson of Employco USA prepares companies and their employees for a great 2019 (for a free HR consultation email Rob at”

Read more and follow the link to listen below:

Jim Fannin Show

The Rules for Holiday Giving in the Office

H.R. expert talks the do’s and don’ts of holiday gifts

GiftsA recent survey found that 41% of employees say that the number one holiday gift they want from their boss this year is a holiday bonus. However, 46% say that holiday bonuses are not given at their company, with 13% going on to describe their boss as “stingy” this time of year.

“It’s a tricky line to walk because you don’t want to seem like Scrooge, but at the same time, giving out bonuses to each employee is not necessarily feasible for many companies,” says Rob Wilson, human resources expect and President of Employco USA, an employment solutions firm that works with clients across the country.

Wilson also says that many employees can struggle with holiday giving as it relates to their own colleagues or managers.

“Not only do many workers feel chagrined if they don’t receive a bonus from the boss, but they also have the added pressure of figuring out what to give their boss or managers, and how much to spend on coworkers,” says the employment trends expert.

To help circumvent these holiday headaches and keep employees focused, Wilson suggests the following do’s and don’ts as it relates to holiday giving:

Set a rule about in-office gifts. When emailing about your office holiday party, Wilson advises employers to include a line asking for employees not to give presents to their managers. “A simple line such as ‘While we appreciate your generosity, please no gifts for us.’ This will help to remove any fears of ‘brown-nosing’ or people getting favorable treatment just because they are able to splurge on a big gift for the boss while others cannot afford to do so.”

Give back to the community. “Rather than deal with the stress of Secret Santa or the distraction of a white elephant game, ask for employees to bring in one unwrapped toy to give to kids in need. Then, you can drop the toys off to a local YMCA, Toys for Tots, or similar charity. Not only will this remove stress about holiday giving in the office, but it will increase holiday spirit and joy in the office.”

Give the best gift of all: time off. “Research has found that employees say ‘time away from the office’ as their favorite thing that employers give them this time of year. If you don’t have the funds for bonuses or a big holiday party, simply giving the team an extra day off or even half-a-day can go a long way in inspiring goodwill. Even turning the week of Christmas into a ‘casual dress’ week can help employees to feel relaxed and appreciated by the boss.”

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at

As Marijuana Gains Legal Status, Can Employers Still Fire You for Testing Positive for Marijuana?

Human resources expert explains what employees and employers need to know about pot in the workplace

Medical MarijuanaAfter the 2018 midterms, three states voted in favor of marijuana legalization, with Missouri and Utah approving the drug for medical use, and Michigan approving it for recreational use. Additionally, states like Wisconsin and Illinois voted for several crucial medical marijuana and legalization measures.

But, what does this mean for employees and employers when it comes to marijuana and the workplace? Will these new regulations make drug testing a thing of the past?

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and human resources expert, says no.

“Employers can still administer drug tests and prohibit their employees from using or being under the influence of marijuana at work or during work hours. However, some state laws prohibit an employer from taking adverse employment actions against an employee based solely on a positive marijuana test.”

With this in mind, Wilson advises employers to become familiar with laws in their state that address drug testing.

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Study: 1 in 4 Americans Say They Overindulged and Humiliated Themselves at the Office Holiday Party

H.R. expert shares tips for how employers and employees can navigate the office holiday without disastrous results

AlcoholA recent NPR survey found that 1 in 4 Americans confess to drinking too much at the office holiday party…and embarrassing themselves as a result. And, 80% of survey respondents also say that they have witnessed coworkers drink too much at holiday parties and act unprofessionally.

“This is a cultural problem that has been embedded in both our corporate and non-corporate working environments for years,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, a national employment solutions firm which helps companies navigate human resources and other employment concerns. “For some reason, good sense seems to go out the window during the holiday season. Alcohol flows readily and people can’t help but let loose…often with disastrous results.”

So how does H.R. expert Rob Wilson advise companies and workers to handle these holiday pitfalls in the workplace?

Ban alcohol altogether. “I know this won’t be a popular choice,” says Wilson. “But it’s a wise one. Have your holiday party in the morning and celebrate with hot cocoa and donuts, rather than wine and cheese.”

Ask people to give only non-alcoholic gifts. “It’s common for people to give wine or fine liquor during the holiday season, but not everyone feels safe around alcohol. Some people are in recovery or don’t drink for religious reasons. Whatever the case, it’s better to gift non-alcoholic items, such as Starbucks gift cards or homemade cookies or chocolate.”

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(Article) “Cutting Them Off: Owners Ponder Limits on Alcohol at Parties”

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, was recently quoted in an article for the Associated Press:

“HR consultant Rob Wilson has gotten many more calls than in the past from companies needing help with party policies. Even owners who haven’t had problems are asking about going alcohol-free or limiting everyone’s intake. Some owners ask whether they should have chaperones to ensure no one is over drinking or trying to grope anyone.

“They’re much more cautious than I’ve ever seen,” says Wilson, president of Chicago-based Employco.”

Follow the link to read more:

Associated Press





For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at