The Rules for Holiday Giving in the Office

H.R. expert talks the do’s and don’ts of holiday gifts

GiftsA recent survey found that 41% of employees say that the number one holiday gift they want from their boss this year is a holiday bonus. However, 46% say that holiday bonuses are not given at their company, with 13% going on to describe their boss as “stingy” this time of year.

“It’s a tricky line to walk because you don’t want to seem like Scrooge, but at the same time, giving out bonuses to each employee is not necessarily feasible for many companies,” says Rob Wilson, human resources expect and President of Employco USA, an employment solutions firm that works with clients across the country.

Wilson also says that many employees can struggle with holiday giving as it relates to their own colleagues or managers.

“Not only do many workers feel chagrined if they don’t receive a bonus from the boss, but they also have the added pressure of figuring out what to give their boss or managers, and how much to spend on coworkers,” says the employment trends expert.

To help circumvent these holiday headaches and keep employees focused, Wilson suggests the following do’s and don’ts as it relates to holiday giving:

Set a rule about in-office gifts. When emailing about your office holiday party, Wilson advises employers to include a line asking for employees not to give presents to their managers. “A simple line such as ‘While we appreciate your generosity, please no gifts for us.’ This will help to remove any fears of ‘brown-nosing’ or people getting favorable treatment just because they are able to splurge on a big gift for the boss while others cannot afford to do so.”

Give back to the community. “Rather than deal with the stress of Secret Santa or the distraction of a white elephant game, ask for employees to bring in one unwrapped toy to give to kids in need. Then, you can drop the toys off to a local YMCA, Toys for Tots, or similar charity. Not only will this remove stress about holiday giving in the office, but it will increase holiday spirit and joy in the office.”

Give the best gift of all: time off. “Research has found that employees say ‘time away from the office’ as their favorite thing that employers give them this time of year. If you don’t have the funds for bonuses or a big holiday party, simply giving the team an extra day off or even half-a-day can go a long way in inspiring goodwill. Even turning the week of Christmas into a ‘casual dress’ week can help employees to feel relaxed and appreciated by the boss.”

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at

As Marijuana Gains Legal Status, Can Employers Still Fire You for Testing Positive for Marijuana?

Human resources expert explains what employees and employers need to know about pot in the workplace

Medical MarijuanaAfter the 2018 midterms, three states voted in favor of marijuana legalization, with Missouri and Utah approving the drug for medical use, and Michigan approving it for recreational use. Additionally, states like Wisconsin and Illinois voted for several crucial medical marijuana and legalization measures.

But, what does this mean for employees and employers when it comes to marijuana and the workplace? Will these new regulations make drug testing a thing of the past?

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and human resources expert, says no.

“Employers can still administer drug tests and prohibit their employees from using or being under the influence of marijuana at work or during work hours. However, some state laws prohibit an employer from taking adverse employment actions against an employee based solely on a positive marijuana test.”

With this in mind, Wilson advises employers to become familiar with laws in their state that address drug testing.

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Study: 1 in 4 Americans Say They Overindulged and Humiliated Themselves at the Office Holiday Party

H.R. expert shares tips for how employers and employees can navigate the office holiday without disastrous results

AlcoholA recent NPR survey found that 1 in 4 Americans confess to drinking too much at the office holiday party…and embarrassing themselves as a result. And, 80% of survey respondents also say that they have witnessed coworkers drink too much at holiday parties and act unprofessionally.

“This is a cultural problem that has been embedded in both our corporate and non-corporate working environments for years,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, a national employment solutions firm which helps companies navigate human resources and other employment concerns. “For some reason, good sense seems to go out the window during the holiday season. Alcohol flows readily and people can’t help but let loose…often with disastrous results.”

So how does H.R. expert Rob Wilson advise companies and workers to handle these holiday pitfalls in the workplace?

Ban alcohol altogether. “I know this won’t be a popular choice,” says Wilson. “But it’s a wise one. Have your holiday party in the morning and celebrate with hot cocoa and donuts, rather than wine and cheese.”

Ask people to give only non-alcoholic gifts. “It’s common for people to give wine or fine liquor during the holiday season, but not everyone feels safe around alcohol. Some people are in recovery or don’t drink for religious reasons. Whatever the case, it’s better to gift non-alcoholic items, such as Starbucks gift cards or homemade cookies or chocolate.”

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(Article) “Cutting Them Off: Owners Ponder Limits on Alcohol at Parties”

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, was recently quoted in an article for the Associated Press:

“HR consultant Rob Wilson has gotten many more calls than in the past from companies needing help with party policies. Even owners who haven’t had problems are asking about going alcohol-free or limiting everyone’s intake. Some owners ask whether they should have chaperones to ensure no one is over drinking or trying to grope anyone.

“They’re much more cautious than I’ve ever seen,” says Wilson, president of Chicago-based Employco.”

Follow the link to read more:

Associated Press





For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at

The Don and Mike Show: Health Care Benefit Costs

Jason Eisenhut, Vice President of Human Resources at Employco USA, joins Don from the Don and Mike Show for a podcast interview on health care benefit costs. Jason’s interview comes in at the 13:30 mark.

“Don does an extensive interview with Jason on health care benefit costs, trends, what to look for to make the best cost decisions and more. Mike reports from SGIA 2018 in Las Vegas while Don is live in San Francisco at Moscone Center with news from their recent renovations.”

Contact us with any questions you may have, we’re here to help:

The Don and Mike Show

How to Investigate a Sexual Harassment Complaint in the Workplace

Human resources expert explains how companies can create safe, equitable workplaces in the #MeToo era

FiredA WeWork employee recently came forward to state that she was fired after reporting rampant sexual harassment in her workplace. In her lawsuit, it is alleged that the $20B co-working company spent more on parties than on sexual harassment training, and that a ‘frat-boy culture’ permeated the offices.

“It is clear that sexual harassment on the job is a serious issue that many workplaces are not adequately addressing,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and human resources expert. “In my line of work, I have seen firsthand how companies can make severe missteps when trying to handle sexual harassment claims on their own.”

Employco helps companies to investigate claims of workplace harassment, whether it is a case of quid pro quo or hostile work environments. Wilson says that there are many things employers and managers must consider when investigating a sexual harassment complaint, including:

  1. Act quickly. “Don’t delay,” says Wilson. “Waiting can send a bad signal to the victim that what happened to them is not important in the eyes of their employer. Not to mention, as time goes on, the victim, witnesses, and the alleged harasser will be more likely to forget details, and if harassment is found to have occurred, the harasser needs to be disciplined as quickly as possible.”
  2. Determine who will do the investigation. “If you are a small or medium-sized company, I would recommend that you consider outsourcing your investigation. Why? Because it is crucial that your investigator has no ties to either the victim or perpetrator,” says Wilson. “This likely won’t be possible if you are an office of 20 people. Yes, it will be a cost that you may not wish to pay upfront, but it’s better than being sued down the road because you mishandled something as serious as a sexual harassment claim.”
  3. Keep gender in mind. “Is the accusation coming from a woman? Then, hire a female investigator. Is the accuser a man? Then, hire a male investigator,” says Wilson. “When talking about intimate and sometimes-embarrassing situations, the victims will feel more comfortable speaking to someone of their same gender. It’s easy to understand why a woman may not feel comfortable opening up to a strange man about how she was sexually assaulted at the office Christmas party. Do whatever you can to make your employees, especially those who have been victimized by the scourge of sexual assault and harassment, feel safe coming forward and telling their story.”
  4. Investigate thoroughly. “Interview all possible witnesses. Review security footage. Examine data from work computers and other devices. Perhaps the accuser sent lewd messages via email or text. Gather and save all of this data, and contact the police if you believe a crime has been committed (for instance, if an employee shares intimate photos of another employee without their consent, this could be considered a crime, depending on the state where you live).”
  5. Thank your employee for coming forward. “Regardless of what happens as a result of the investigation, make sure that your employee knows how grateful you are that they came forward. Ensure that they feel safe in the workplace and that they are not being threatened or mocked by other employees. Their safety should be of the uttermost importance.”
  6. Never transfer the victim. “Unless they come to you and ask to be moved to a new department, never move the victim. Always transfer the person who is accused of the harassment. If the victim does wish to move, make sure to get this in writing so you have proof that it was their idea and not a punishment or attempt at obfuscation coming from upper management.”

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at

Why You Shouldn’t Dress up as Donald Trump for Halloween…Plus, Other Do’s and Don’ts for Celebrating Halloween at Work

Human resources expert explains how to manage All Hallows Eve when it comes to costumes, decorations, and in-office parties

HalloweenMore than 179 million people in America celebrated Halloween last year. With Halloween 2018 quickly approaching, many people are planning their costumes, picking out pumpkins, and otherwise getting excited to celebrate All Hallows Eve…but, how should this topic be approached in the workplace?

“Countless workplaces across the country permit or even encourage Halloween costumes in the office,” says Rob Wilson, human resources expert and President of Employco USA, a national employment-solutions firm. “Some even have costume competitions. Other offices have Halloween parties and put up decorations for the holiday. But, in this day and age, it is crucial to consider how your Halloween costume could impact your employer’s opinion of you, or what legal ramifications these common Halloween practices could pose for employers.”

To that end, workplace expert Rob Wilson has provided the below Do’s and Don’ts for celebrating Halloween in the workplace:

No Drag & No Donald. “Don’t wear any costume which mocks a certain religion, ethnicity, culture, gender or sexual orientation,” says Wilson. “For example, transgender people often find it offensive when cisgender people dress in ‘drag’ because they don’t want their identity to be seen as a joke. And, in our current political climate, it would be a bad idea to show up to the office in a Donald Trump, Christine Blasey Ford, or Bill Cosby costume. Play it safe: don’t dress up as any current celebrities or politicians, and avoid nun costumes, priest costumes, and certainly any costumes which would involve you making yourself over to look like a person of another ethnicity, i.e. “blackface,” or wearing Native American costumes or Geisha costumes if you are not of those ethnic backgrounds.”

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