Podcast: New Form I-9 and Changes Coming in 2024

Join Rob, Scott, and Jason in this month’s HR podcast as they delve into the details of the new Form I-9, a critical component of the hiring process. They also highlight HR and employment changes set to roll out in 2024.

The new Form I-9 is now mandatory for all new hires. The team discusses some of the improvements, remote verification updates, internal and external audits, fines and penalties, document retention policies, and some insightful tips for employers navigating the I-9 process. As 2023 draws to a close, they also discuss some of the changes coming in 2024, including those related to pay transparency, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Contact Employco for expert guidance on navigating the evolving landscape of HR regulations and ensuring adherence to the new Form I-9. Whether you’re dealing with remote verification updates or putting a plan together for an internal audit, our team can help – hr@employco.com.

Podcast: New Form I-9 and Changes Coming in 2024

HR Chat w/Employco USA: IRS Announces 2024 Annual Limits for Benefits

Join Rob and Jason in this HR Chat as they delve into the latest updates from the IRS regarding 2024 annual limits for benefits. They cover new thresholds effective January 1st for FSA plans, 401(k) contributions, and commuter benefits. They also highlight distinctions between FSA and HSA plans, healthcare premium hikes, and more.

For an overview of the 2024 limits, reach out to us at hr@employco.com for a helpful document summarizing all of the details. Stay informed with Employco and optimize your benefits strategy!

Enhancing Holiday Season Communication: Empowering Your Business with HR Outsourcing

Enhancing Holiday Season Communication: Empowering Your Business with HR Outsourcing

Running a business involves a myriad of responsibilities, often leaving owners stretched thin. Amidst the hustle, effective communication during the holiday season becomes pivotal. In this post, we’ll delve into the challenges of holiday communication in the workplace and how leveraging outsourced HR, like Employco USA, can fortify your business during this festive period.

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HR Chat w/Employco USA: Navigating the Holiday Party Season (Tips for Employers)

As companies gear up for the holiday season, Rob and Jason provide essential tips for employers, covering topics such as managing alcohol consumption, offering ridesharing options, establishing dress code policies, handling gift-giving, and more. Discover how to maintain a professional atmosphere while ensuring a joyful celebration for all.

For any questions or additional guidance, reach out to Jason or Rob at hr@employco.com.

Don’t miss this insightful conversation on creating a seamless and enjoyable holiday party experience.

HR Chat w/Employco USA: 2024 State Minimum Wage

Join Rob and Jason in this HR Chat as they discuss the minimum wage landscape for 2024. They cover some of the wide range of values we see from federal down to state, county, and city. Watch this chat to gain valuable insight into what 2024 holds for several states.

Let us know if you have any questions! We also touched on minimum wage during our recent HR seminar, you can access the slides to the full presentation here.

Podcast: Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act

Welcome to this month’s HR podcast with Rob, Scott, and Jason, where we dive into changes brought by the Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act, scheduled to take effect on January 1st, 2024. In this episode, we break down some of the key components of the law, which mandates up to 40 hours of paid leave for every employee, regardless of the reason. We also discuss the implications for businesses, the adjustments needed for compliance, the potential impact on various industries, and more.

Even if your company is based in another state but has employees in Illinois, this will affect your business. With just under 60 days until this policy takes effect, it’s crucial for businesses to gear up for compliance to avoid penalties.

Contact Employco for guidance and support in implementing the changes required – we’re here to help, hr@employco.com.

Podcast: Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act

HR Chat w/Employco USA: Navigating Pay Transparency

Join Rob and Jason in this HR Chat as they discuss pay transparency. Discover its impact in the employment landscape, with many states already adopting it and several more poised to implement it in the coming years. Delve into the requirements, challenges when dealing with remote workers, and the upcoming implementation in states like Illinois in 2025.

If you’re navigating the complexities of pay transparency or want to ensure compliance, Employco has you covered. Reach out for more details on what states have pay transparency laws in effect and how to best comply with them: hr@employco.com

HR Chat w/Employco USA: Recruiting and Hiring for the Holidays

Join Rob and Jason in this HR Chat as they dive into the topic of recruiting and hiring seasonal employees. With the holiday season approaching, they discuss effective planning strategies and share valuable tips to ensure you make the right hiring decisions. Discover why onboarding is a vital component of this process and how targeting your search can help your recruiting.

Feel free to contact us with any questions, hr@employco.com.

Podcast (Clip): Open Enrollment Tips

Check out this snippet from our HR podcast, where Jason guides us through a series of tips to help you maximize your open enrollment strategy. Given the challenging landscape of plan renewals, we highlight the importance of effective communication, especially when significant changes and rising costs are involved.

Tune in to the full podcast with Rob, Scott, and Jason here: WFH Survey Insights & Open Enrollment Tips