After #MeToo: New Sexual Harassment Training Requirements for 2020

Employment trends expert reveals sexual harassment training requirements in the upcoming year

Policy ManualAfter shocking crimes of sexual assault came to light thanks to the #MeToo movement, many employers have been inspired to rededicate themselves to making their workplaces safer and more equitable for men and women. But, starting January 1, 2020, new changes to sexual harassment policies will require all companies to pay closer attention to this very important issue.

“We are finally starting to see people take sexual harassment in the workplace more seriously, and the new regulations coming into effect in 2020 reflect that,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and human resources expert. “These regulations will vary from state to state and will be dependent upon the size of your company and the number of employees you have, but there are several things that employers need to know.”

For Illinois employers, Wilson points to Public Act 101-0221 (the “Act”) which was created to strengthen sexual harassment policies in the workplace and ensure that all employees are better protected from sexual impropriety and predation.

“Workers in Illinois will now be afforded greater protection under the Act, which includes language that prohibits sexual harassment between employees even when it occurs outside the workplace or online,” says Wilson. “It will also offer greater protection for contract employees and freelance workers, as opposed to only protecting salaried and hourly employees.”

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Salary History Ban Expands to Illinois Employers

Employment expert explains why Illinois employees can’t be asked about their past salaries any longer

SalaryEmployers in Illinois will be required to make changes to their hiring practices in the near future. Starting September 29th, it will become illegal for employers to ask prospective employees to share their salary history.

“Currently, 17 states and 19 localities have banned questions about salary history during the application process, and Illinois will be joining these ranks shortly. Several states like Alabama have banned these application questions for all potential employees, and other states like California go so far as to require employers to provide pay scale information if employees request it,” says Rob Wilson, employment trends expert and President of Employco USA.

Wilson says that many experts agree that salary history questions can lead to income inequality for women and minorities.

“The belief is that inquiring about salary history can create a vicious cycle in which women are paid less presently and in the future, simply because they were paid less in the past,” explains Wilson. “Concerned civil rights activists point to the fact that women are offered less when compared to similarly trained and educated males, even when these interviewees are coming right out of college.”

So, what should employers consider moving forward?

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More Companies Commit to Hiring Employees with Autism

Employment trends expert explains how companies can make the workplace a more inclusive place for all employees

Work DeskIn an effort to establish more inclusive hiring practices, many companies have committed to seeking out adult employees with disabilities, including autism. As outlined in a recent Wall Street Journal article, many artificial intelligence companies are particularly seeking adults with autism to join their staff.

Companies like SAP and Microsoft have recently made a committed effort to start hiring employees who fall on the autism spectrum. This is timely, as more people than ever are being diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD),” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment trends expert. “Although varying in degree, individuals with ASD can require several modifications to the workplace. However, 80 percent of people with autism struggle to find employment, likely because employers are not well-versed in this condition and how to manage it in the workplace.”

Here, Wilson offers his top tips for making the workplace more inclusive for employees with autism and other developmental differences:

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How Employers Can Help Workers Cope in the Wake of Mass Shootings

Employment expert explains how companies can support employees and ensure that their workplaces stay safe

CopingAnother tragic outbreak of mass shootings has left many Americans reeling. As people struggle to cope with the aftermath of this senseless violence, it is important for employers to ensure that their workplaces feel safe and supportive for all workers. Rob Wilson, employment expert and President of Employco USA, says “One in seven Americans say they don’t feel safe at work. But the good news is that small steps can help to build feelings of security and community in your workplace.”

Here, Wilson outlines the steps that an employer should take to help prevent and cope with workplace violence:

1) Put emergency guidelines in your handbook. “Make sure that your employee handbook offers procedures on how to handle the unthinkable. We have everything from fire drills to tornado drills, we should also have steps in place for how to handle a mass shooting. If possible, you can even discuss these steps with a local law enforcement officer to help to ensure that the best procedures are given to your employees.”

2) Offer grief counseling if appropriate. “For people in Texas, heading back to work on this Monday morning is probably frightening and a bit unreal. It can be hard to forget the aftermath of last week’s tragedy and switch back into work mode. A grief counselor can be an invaluable resource when it comes to processing these emotions.”

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Recovering After the Capital One Crisis: What Employers Need to Know About Cyber Security

Data breaches are on the rise – here is what employers need to know

Cyber SecurityThe data breach at Capital One is a global security crisis that has impacted millions of people. Sadly, breaches like these are only becoming more common, and employers have a responsibility to protect their employees and their clients.

It is estimated that phishing scams costs the United States half a billion dollars each year. From direct deposit scams to fraudulent PDF files, there has been a shocking rise in these email phishing scams. Indeed, Microsoft’s Security team reports that these malicious phishing emails have increased by a whopping 250 percent.

So, what do employers and employees need to know in order to protect themselves from these scams?

First, it’s crucial that you educate everyone on your team about phishing scams and how to make safer choices online.

“It’s important to understand that it is not enough to simply be aware and cautious when it comes to your own online behavior,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and human resources expert. “Your entire company can be negatively impacted across the board if just one employee gives up access to your Office 365 account or similar program. Once the phisher has that foothold, they can access an entire wealth of information, and they can then use this position of power to gain access to more info and phish other people on your team.”

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Podcast: The Top Five Payroll Pitfalls

Rob, Scott, and Jason with special guest Gerri LeCompte (Vice President of Payroll Services) discuss the top five payroll pitfalls; from late filings and tax deposits to staying compliant with changing regulations, voiding and reissuing adjustment payments, incorrect taxation of earnings, and more.

Running payroll is complicated. Small business owners, looking to control costs, occasionally decide to run payroll themselves. But even small errors can result in large fines and penalties, in addition to your time and effort to correct it. Employco can help alleviate the pitfalls associated with payroll, contact us today to see how we can help.

Payroll Pitfalls

Contact us with any questions you may have, we’re here to help:

Billions of Dollars in Burnout: “Sunday Night Dread” Speaks to a Costly Employment Issue

Employment trends expert discusses new research on employee burnout

Employee BurnoutA new study has found that ‘burnout’ costs the healthcare industry $4.6 billion a year. Another recent study found that nearly half of firefighters grapple with burnout which is linked with sleep issues and mental health concerns.

“Burnout is a common denominator across every industry,” says Rob Wilson, employment expert and President of Employco USA. “And research shows that workplace dread spikes around Sunday night, with workers experiencing extreme stress related to returning to the workplace on Monday morning. Millennials are hardest hit by this Sunday night dread, and a full quarter of them say that they experience mental burnout each day.”

Preventing employee burnout is important for a company’s bottom line, says Wilson.

“One million workers skip work each day due to the physical and emotional stress of employee burnout,” says Wilson. “It is estimated that employee burnout costs employers nearly $300 billion annually. So while some employers may balk at encouraging employees to enjoy their job, it could be a crucial part of your business’s success and longevity.”

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Why Won’t the Aviary Fire Employee Who Assaulted Eric Trump?

Human resources expert offers commentary on the crime and the upscale lounges slow reaction

The AviaryAs the country continues to process the news that Eric Trump was spit on at The Aviary in Chicago, the upscale cocktail bar has released a statement regarding the incident. The statement reveals that the employee is on leave, but says they will not comment further about any internal H.R. matters at this time.

Chicago-based human resources expert, Rob Wilson, says this is a big mistake.

“When an assault has been committed, especially an assault which occurred in public with several witnesses, the only recourse a company should take is termination,” says Wilson, President of Employco USA. “Regardless of your politics, this is a crime, and right now The Aviary seems to be trying to appease everyone by opting to play the waiting game.”

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Illinois Says Yes to Recreational Weed: But What Does This Mean for Employers?

Human resources expert weighs in on this important ruling & how it will impact the workplace

IllinoisIllinois lawmakers made a historic decision when they voted to legalize recreational marijuana use last Friday. The House of Representatives voted 66-47 to allow possession and sales beginning Jan. 1, 2020. But how will this decision impact employers and the workplace?

“Your ability to monitor drug use among your employees is going to depend on whether or not you are a unionized or private workplace,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA (a national employment-solutions firm based in Chicago, IL) and human resources expert. “While you have the right to expect and require sobriety from workers on the job, it can become a bit tricky when you suspect drug use and want to act on your fears.”

Wilson says that if you work in a non-unionized environment, you should ask a supervisor or human resources team member to help you determine if an employee is under the influence of marijuana.

“If your suspicions are backed up by other leaders in your company, you can discipline and even terminate your employee,” says Wilson.

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