(Article) “Here is How Overtime Pay Will Change in Jan. 2020”

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, was recently quoted in an article for WBIW:

Starting in January 2020, important changes are coming to Americans’ paychecks. Beginning in the new year, new overtime provisions from the Fair Labor Standards Act will go into place.

“Previously workers were automatically entitled to overtime pay only if they earned $23,660 or less a year,” says Rob Wilson, employment trends expert and President of Employco USA, an employment solutions firm with locations across the county. “But, starting in just a handful of weeks, that salary ceiling will be raised to $35,568. Under this new ruling, these workers are entitled to receive one and one-half times their regular pay if they work more than 40 hours in a week.”

Follow the link to read more:


For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at rwilson@thewilsoncompanies.com.

Podcast: 2020 Benefit Planning

Rob, Scott, and Jason discuss 2020 benefit planning; from the history of group health insurance and employer benefit plans to wellness programs, member education, open enrollment, the Affordable Care Act, retirement plans, strategies for non-traditional benefits (flex-time, student loan repayment, pet benefits), and more.

2020 Benefit Planning

Contact us with any questions you may have, we’re here to help: hr@employco.com

Here is How Overtime Pay Will Change in Jan. 2020

Employment expert explains what employers need to know about overtime pay in the new year

OvertimeStarting in January 2020, important changes are coming to Americans’ paychecks. Beginning in the new year, new overtime provisions from the Fair Labor Standards Act will go into place.

“Previously workers were automatically entitled to overtime pay only if they earned $23,660 or less a year,” says Rob Wilson, employment trends expert and President of Employco USA, an employment solutions firm with locations across the county. “But, starting in just a handful of weeks, that salary ceiling will be raised to $35,568. Under this new ruling, these workers are entitled to receive one and one-half times their regular pay if they work more than 40 hours in a week.”

But it is not just workers who earn under the $35,568 threshold who will be eligible for overtime.

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(Article) “Performance Review: Useless Procedure?”

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, recently had an article featured in the November issue of inBusiness magazine:

Performance Review: Useless Procedure?
The shift now is away from an annual review

Evidence from a recent survey by Gallup and others has found that two-thirds of organizations feel their performance reviews are not effective. Described as “subjective and highly ambiguous,” performance reviews can be a very impactful tool when used appropriately, but, as this research shows, most companies say they are falling short of the mark.

As a response, some employers are eliminating the annual performance review. However, we don’t see that as a good solution for the vast majority of companies. Without an annual review — even if it’s just a compilation of more frequent ones — it’s very difficult for employers to work on merit pay increases.

So, there is a purpose to be served. Instead of ditching performance reviews entirely, therefore, companies need to rethink the way they approach this measuring stick and bring performance reviews into the modern era.

Follow the link to read more:

inBusiness Magazine

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at rwilson@thewilsoncompanies.com.

Why You Shouldn’t Dress up as Donald Trump for Halloween…Plus, Other Do’s and Don’ts for Celebrating Halloween at Work

175 million Americans celebrated Halloween last year…but how should this holiday be approached in the workplace?

Pumpkin“Countless workplaces across the country permit or even encourage Halloween costumes in the office,” says Rob Wilson, human resources expert and President of Employco USA, a national employment-solutions firm. “Some even have costume competitions. Other offices have Halloween parties and put up decorations for the holiday. But, in this day and age, it is crucial to consider how your Halloween costume could impact your employer’s opinion of you, or what legal ramifications these common Halloween practices could pose for employers.”

To that end, workplace expert Rob Wilson has provided the below Do’s and Don’ts for celebrating Halloween in the workplace:

  • No Drag & No Donald. “Don’t wear any costume which mocks a certain religion, ethnicity, culture, gender or sexual orientation,” says Wilson. “For example, transgender people often find it offensive when cisgender people dress in ‘drag’ because they don’t want their identity to be seen as a joke. And, in our current political climate, it would be a bad idea to show up to the office in a Donald Trump costume or a peach costume, which is a popular choice for those who want to see the president impeached. Play it safe: Don’t dress up as any current celebrities or politicians, and avoid nun costumes, priest costumes, and certainly any costumes which would involve you making yourself over to look like a person of another ethnicity, i.e. “blackface,” or wearing Native American costumes or Geisha costumes if you are not of those ethnic backgrounds.”
  • Don’t decorate with ghastly or gruesome décor. “It can be festive to have a brightly colored pumpkin on your desk or a collection of gourds on the office break table, but avoid things like demons, dismembered body parts and witches. Many people are offended by such imagery or others might find gruesome displays triggering,” says Wilson. “Keep it professional and tasteful. Think harvest, not graveyard.” 

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Why so Many Millennials Are Leaving Jobs Due to Mental Health Issues

Employment trends expert talks new study which says that half of millennials have left a job due to a mental health crisis

Mental HealthA new study found that 50 percent of Millennials and 75% of Generation Z’ers say that they have left a job due to pressing mental health concerns. The study, led by Mind Share Partners, SAP, and Qualtrics has discovered that younger generations of workers are much more likely than older employees to leave a job due to the need for mental health care.

“The study is very important because it reflects generational differences as far as employees’ approach to therapy and self-care,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment trends expert. “Today’s incoming workforce is much more well-versed in therapy and the need for mental health services, and as this research shows, they seek out these resources when needed, even if it means leaving their current job.”

Wilson says this study helps reveal where companies and employers can do better in attracting and retaining younger talent.

“Offering benefits that include comprehensive mental health care can go a long way in attracting younger employees,” says Wilson. “Therapy is costly, but as research shows, there has been a 47 percent increase in major-depression diagnoses among millennials since 2013. Since therapy is the front-line recommendation for depression treatment, you can expect that nearly half of millennial workers are either in therapy, seeking therapy, or being advised to see a therapist by their doctor or family and friends. Hence, offering a benefit plan which covers these life-saving services and is in-network with many mental health providers would be a smart idea for employers.”

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Sexual Harassment at University of Illinois: Did UIUC Fail Employees?

Chicago-based employment expert explains how IL employers will have new training requirements soon

UIUC IllinoisIt was recently revealed that several professors and one staff member at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have been accused of sexual harassment. As the University faces criticism for not handling these cases swiftly and with transparency, upcoming changes to Illinois employment law such as the Workplace Transparency Act (“WTA”) could change the way Illinois employers handle such cases in the future.

Employment expert Rob Wilson says that the UIUC case offers an opportunity for Illinois employers to better examine their policies regarding sexual harassment, especially as new regulations are going into effect on Jan. 1, 2020.

“If you are an Illinois-based employer or you have at least one employee located in Illinois, you will now have new requirements for sexual harassment prevention,” explains Wilson, who is the President of national employment solutions firm Employco USA, which is based in Chicagoland. “You must provide sexual harassment training to all of your employees at least once a year. Additionally, the Workplace Transparency Act will prevent employers from using confidentiality clauses to protect employees or hide past charges, as U of I is accused of doing in these recent sexual harassment cases.”

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The Small Business Advocate Show, Podcast

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, was recently a guest on The Small Business Advocate Show with Jim Blasingame. Check out the links below to listen to each topic.

How artificial intelligence is being used in the hiring process
“Rob Wilson joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the AI tools and practices that are now available to make the hiring process more effective and successful.”

How small businesses will use AI in the future to hire
“Rob Wilson joins Jim Blasingame to report on the artificial intelligence innovations that are going to increasingly empower small businesses to be more effective finding and hiring new employees.”

For more on these topics, contact Rob Wilson at rwilson@thewilsoncompanies.com.

What Employers Can Learn from the Mississippi Raids

Employment expert Rob Wilson discusses how companies can safeguard their staff

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)Last month, ICE officials detained hundreds of undocumented workers in Mississippi. When the raids (which took place in 7 different cities and 6 different work sites) were complete, 680 employees were in the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials.

As the debate over illegal immigration rages on, the Mississippi raids also raise an important concern for companies. How much blame do hiring managers and employers hold when it comes to using undocumented people for labor? Is this just a public relations nightmare and staffing disaster for companies, or can charges be levied against these employers?

“The answer is yes, to put it simply,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment expert. “It is illegal not only to hire an undocumented person, but also to recruit them or refer them to another employer. Employers who knowingly do so and are shown to have a ‘pattern and practice’ of hiring undocumented workers can be fined $3,000 per worker and even face potential jail time.”

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