What to Say to Your Employees about Coronavirus

Employment expert weighs in on what companies need to communicate to their staff

COVID-19With work stoppages and shelter-in-place ordinances being instituted across the country, employers have several pressing human resources issues to consider. Rob Wilson, employment expert and President of Employco USA, comments on HR concerns that have arisen as a result of the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic.

Wilson says that employers need to cover many points with their employees, including the below:

  • Changes to benefit enrollment. “Employers need to address possible pending changes to benefit enrollment programs,” says Wilson. “Let your employees know that if they would like to make a mid-year change to their benefit elections (e.g., change a dependent care flexible spending account) as a result of a qualifying event, they should contact you to request a copy of the benefit enrollment change form.”
  • Paid Sick Leave and Family Medical Leave. “For companies with less than 500 employees, if you are unable to work or telework, you may be eligible for a certain level of pay continuation, if you meet certain requirements, such as if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and seeking medical diagnosis, caring for an individual subject to a federal, state or local quarantine or isolation order or advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine due to COVID-19 concerns, caring for your child if the child’s school or place of care is closed or the child’s care provider is unavailable due to public health emergency, or experiencing any other substantially similar condition specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Labor.”

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Why March Madness Costs Companies Billions Due to Employee Distraction and Poor Productivity

Employment trends expert explains these findings and suggests staff management techniques

BasketballRecent statistics reveal that March Madness has become more popular than ever before, thanks in large part to the worldwide betting that takes place. Over 60 million people are expected to fill out brackets this year, with an estimated $10 million being put on the table. However, there is another cost which people may not expect: a downturn in employee productivity.

“March Madness can be a drain on a company’s time and resources,” says Rob Wilson, employment trends expert and President of Employco USA. “With millions of Americans filling out brackets and managing their bets, you can bet that employee productivity takes a hit during this time of year.”

In fact, research shows that lost wages caused by employee distraction and poor productivity during March Madness could amount to losses of up to $1.9 billion!

Wilson says, “Between filling out brackets, researching picks, watching the games and then calling in sick or skipping work due to game days or hangovers, you are looking at a sharp downturn in employee performance. Luckily there are some ways you can manage this common nationwide issue.”

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Workplace Conflicts Are on the Rise: Here’s How to Deal

Human resources expert offers advice on dealing with workplace conflict in today’s political climate 

Workplace ConflictResearch shows that 85 percent of employees say that they experience workplace conflict, with over 2 hours a week being spent on navigating workplace drama. Workplace conflict is not just stressful and unpleasant, it can have a major impact on employee productivity. Indeed, conflicts in the workplace cost companies about $359 billion dollars in paid hours.

Rob Wilson, human resources expert and President of Employco USA, an employment solutions firm with locations across the country, says:

“In today’s culture, employees aren’t just together when they’re literally on the job: they’re together all the time thanks to technology like Skype, WhatsApp, Slack and other coworker communication apps. Not to mention, our current political climate is so divisive right now, and social media only further encourages arguments and discord among your staff.”

Wilson, who has worked directly with many clients who have required assistance managing conflict within their workplaces, says that research shows that workplace conflict is on the rise. “From personality clashes to overwork to poor management, workplace conflict is inevitable and it’s actually getting worse,” he says.

So how can employers be proactive about workplace conflict?

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The Don and Mike Show: Rob Wilson on Marijuana in the Workplace

Rob joins the Don and Mike Show for an interview on marijuana in the workplace.

“With states enacting new laws allowing marijuana in society from both a medicinal and recreational standpoint, companies will need to review their policies and handbooks accordingly. Rob Wilson gives viable tips on what to do with this new societal change we are seeing and how to protect the company when faced with issues centering on marijuana.”

Contact us with any questions you may have, we’re here to help: hr@employco.com

The Don and Mike Show

Are Companies Liable to Protect Staff from Unruly Customers?

Employment expert weighs in on the landmark civil case McDonald’s workers are bringing against the corporation

McDResearch shows that violence at fast food restaurants is not an uncommon occurrence, with these establishments facing more than twice the level of violent crimes as full-service eateries.

But how responsible are employers for protecting employees from workplace violence? A group of McDonald’s workers are contesting that their employers have not done enough to protect them from the onslaught of customer abuse that has been rampant at many locations, specifically those located in Chicago, IL.

“While the ‘Fight for 15’ has been at the center of conversations about the fast food industry, a new concern is emerging for these minimum wage workers. A group of 17 McDonald’s workers in Chicago are bringing to light the dangers they face on the job, and asking the fast food giant to do more to protect its staff,” says Rob Wilson, human resources expert, Chicago native, and President of Employco USA, a national employment solutions firm with locations across the country.

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Podcast: Resolving Workplace Conflicts

Rob, Scott, and Jason discuss conflict in the workplace; from clashing personalities and stress to what causes it, when to get involved, tips on how to mediate and resolve issues, interesting statistics, and more.

They also touch on the new Form W-4 and I-9 releases, including changes and expectations for employers moving forward.

Resolving Workplace Conflicts

Contact us with any questions you may have, we’re here to help: hr@employco.com

Survey: One-Third of Us Talk About Our Love Lives at Work, and HR Employees Are a Top Culprit

Employee expert discusses new study which says the human resources department is a hotbed for office dating

LoveWith Valentine’s Day approaching, love is in the air, even in the workplace…especially for those in the HR industry. The new “Workplace Romance in America”  survey has found that 42% of people who work in human resources say that they have dated a coworker, compared to just 25% of the rest of surveyed employees.

“These shocking results show that HR employees are more likely to have an office romance than employees in other positions throughout the company,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, an employment solutions firm with locations across the country.

The new survey also found that one-third of employees say that they discuss their dating lives in the office.

“Whether they are dating a coworker or someone outside the office, the survey results show that many of us like to talk about love lives at work,” says Wilson. “While you don’t want to police your employees’ speech, it’s easy to see how this can become problematic if the discussion becomes lewd or overly-familiar.”

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What Employers Need to Know About the New I-9 Forms

Employment expert weighs in on changes to employment authorization forms

New Form I-9The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) just published a new Form I-9 for employers to begin using immediately. The Form I-9, which is used to verify new hires’ identity and employment authorization to work in the United States, now includes several changes.

“Employers can continue using the prior version until April 30, 2020. Starting in May, employers will be required to use the new form (expiration date of 10/31/2022) exclusively,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, a national employment solutions firm.

The new I-9 forms include changes to who can act as an authorized representative on behalf of an employer, explains the human resources expert, along with clarifications to acceptable documents as well as an updated DHS Privacy Notice.

The human resources expert says that employees who have properly filled out I-9 forms in the past do not need to submit new forms to their employer.

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at rwilson@thewilsoncompanies.com.

Breaking News: New Form I-9

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published a new Form I-9 for employers to begin using immediately. The new version includes minor changes to the form and instructions.

The Form I-9 is used to verify new hires’ identity and employment authorization to work in the United States.

Employers can continue using the prior version (expiration date of 08/31/2019 shown in the upper-right corner) until April 30, 2020. Starting in May, employers will be required to use the new form (expiration date of 10/31/2022) exclusively.

Over the next several days, we will provide our clients with an updated new hire packet including the new Form I-9.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

New Form I-9