Webinar: Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Update & How to Maximize Forgiveness

Employco Webinar, 05/07/2020

Many of you have questions about the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan and we’d like to help break it down by giving you the opportunity to participate in a FREE webinar entitled:

Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Update & How to Maximize Forgiveness” with Employco USA.

During this webinar, we’ll:

  • Summarize the law
  • Provide details on the 8-week measurement period
  • Discuss tips to maximize the forgiveness
  • Talk about the rules for the portion of the loan that is not forgiven

You’ll also be able to get some clarity on human resource issues including unemployment and payroll. Employco provides HR and payroll solutions to businesses across the country.

There will be a brief presentation to begin the session, but most of the time will be dedicated to answering your specific questions!

You’ll be able to join us at 10:30am CT on Thursday, May 7th from your computer, tablet, or smartphone (you can also dial-in):


You can also use our registration form to submit questions you’d like to see answered/covered during the webinar.

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Managing a Remote Workforce During Quarantine

How to lead your team effectively during the COVID-19 pandemic          

Remote WorkIn 2018, only 24 percent of U.S. workers worked from home on a consistent basis. But, as of last month, 67 percent of employers were taking steps to allow employees to work from home in order to cope with social distancing guidelines. And, as social distancing time frames have been lengthened across the country, employers need to reconsider their new management styles and how to motivate and engage employees who may feel ‘out of sight, out of mind.’

“Leading a team of remote employees will require a bit of a learning curve,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment trends expert. “This is a unique situation that is going to force managers and employers to be adaptive and creative.”

Wilson says that companies need to respond to the COVID-19 quarantine by first adapting their employee handbook and communicating new guidelines and expectations to employees.

“Meet with your department heads, supervisors and HR staff to come up with a work from home policy which can be emailed or mailed to your staff,” says Wilson. “List out expectations regarding timesheets and how work hours need to be recorded. Remind staff that they still need permission to work overtime or to shift their work schedules. For example, if you have employees who are parents that need to take into account their child’s e-learning time, be flexible about letting employees tack on an hour at the start or end of the day, if they need time off midday to manage childcare requirements.”

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Webcast: Navigating the CARES Act and COVID-19

Employco Webcast

Podcast: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

Rob, Scott, and Jason podcast remotely from their homes and discuss the latest updates on COVID-19; from new laws that have been passed and what they have to offer to the difference between furloughs and layoffs, a breakdown of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, preliminary information on the CARES Act, and more.


Contact us with any questions you may have, we’re here to help: hr@employco.com

DOL Releases Required Notice for Employers (Related to COVID-19)

Employco USA, Inc.

March 26, 2020 (UPDATE)


The Department of Labor (DOL) has released a new required notice (poster) related to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Act).

Click the following link to access the poster.

The notice is required to be posted in a conspicuous place on the company premises. You may also email or mail this notice to your employees, or post it on an employee information internal or external website. Although we recommend you post or distribute the notice as quickly as possible, we have also included a link to the notice on www.employco.com in the event your employees visit our website.

The DOL also released additional guidance which can be accessed by clicking this link to read the Frequently Asked Questions. A few of the significant FAQs include:

Do I have to share this notice with recently laid-off individuals?

  • No, the FFCRA requirements explained on this notice apply only to current employees.

I am a small business owner. Do I have to post this notice?

  • Yes. All employers covered by the paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave provisions of the FFCRA (i.e., certain public sector employers and private sector employers with fewer than 500 employees) are required to post this notice.

We have break rooms on each floor in our building. Do I have to post notices in each break room on each floor or can I just post them in the lunchroom?

  • If all of your employees regularly visit the lunchroom, then you can post all required notices there. If not, then you can post the notices in the break rooms on each floor or in another location where they can easily be seen by employees on each floor.

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What to Say to Your Employees about Coronavirus

Employment expert weighs in on what companies need to communicate to their staff

COVID-19With work stoppages and shelter-in-place ordinances being instituted across the country, employers have several pressing human resources issues to consider. Rob Wilson, employment expert and President of Employco USA, comments on HR concerns that have arisen as a result of the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic.

Wilson says that employers need to cover many points with their employees, including the below:

  • Changes to benefit enrollment. “Employers need to address possible pending changes to benefit enrollment programs,” says Wilson. “Let your employees know that if they would like to make a mid-year change to their benefit elections (e.g., change a dependent care flexible spending account) as a result of a qualifying event, they should contact you to request a copy of the benefit enrollment change form.”
  • Paid Sick Leave and Family Medical Leave. “For companies with less than 500 employees, if you are unable to work or telework, you may be eligible for a certain level of pay continuation, if you meet certain requirements, such as if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and seeking medical diagnosis, caring for an individual subject to a federal, state or local quarantine or isolation order or advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine due to COVID-19 concerns, caring for your child if the child’s school or place of care is closed or the child’s care provider is unavailable due to public health emergency, or experiencing any other substantially similar condition specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Labor.”

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Why March Madness Costs Companies Billions Due to Employee Distraction and Poor Productivity

Employment trends expert explains these findings and suggests staff management techniques

BasketballRecent statistics reveal that March Madness has become more popular than ever before, thanks in large part to the worldwide betting that takes place. Over 60 million people are expected to fill out brackets this year, with an estimated $10 million being put on the table. However, there is another cost which people may not expect: a downturn in employee productivity.

“March Madness can be a drain on a company’s time and resources,” says Rob Wilson, employment trends expert and President of Employco USA. “With millions of Americans filling out brackets and managing their bets, you can bet that employee productivity takes a hit during this time of year.”

In fact, research shows that lost wages caused by employee distraction and poor productivity during March Madness could amount to losses of up to $1.9 billion!

Wilson says, “Between filling out brackets, researching picks, watching the games and then calling in sick or skipping work due to game days or hangovers, you are looking at a sharp downturn in employee performance. Luckily there are some ways you can manage this common nationwide issue.”

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Workplace Conflicts Are on the Rise: Here’s How to Deal

Human resources expert offers advice on dealing with workplace conflict in today’s political climate 

Workplace ConflictResearch shows that 85 percent of employees say that they experience workplace conflict, with over 2 hours a week being spent on navigating workplace drama. Workplace conflict is not just stressful and unpleasant, it can have a major impact on employee productivity. Indeed, conflicts in the workplace cost companies about $359 billion dollars in paid hours.

Rob Wilson, human resources expert and President of Employco USA, an employment solutions firm with locations across the country, says:

“In today’s culture, employees aren’t just together when they’re literally on the job: they’re together all the time thanks to technology like Skype, WhatsApp, Slack and other coworker communication apps. Not to mention, our current political climate is so divisive right now, and social media only further encourages arguments and discord among your staff.”

Wilson, who has worked directly with many clients who have required assistance managing conflict within their workplaces, says that research shows that workplace conflict is on the rise. “From personality clashes to overwork to poor management, workplace conflict is inevitable and it’s actually getting worse,” he says.

So how can employers be proactive about workplace conflict?

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