Fired Over Facebook: How Your Political Posts Can Land You in Hot Water

Human resources expert explains why online behavior is leading to terminations

Social MediaA South Carolina fast-food worker was recently fired for a political joke she made on her social media page. In the last month alone, police officers and teachers alike have lost their positions after expressing their views online.

Several other employees across the country have faced workplace consequences for comments on their social media pages, with a mayoral aide in Massachusetts saying he lost his job due to his vociferous support of the Black Lives Matter movement on his social media.

So just how much freedom of speech is an employee permitted to have, and how can employers encourage responsible social media behavior while still respecting an employee’s privacy? Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and a human resources expert, weighs in on this timely topic below.

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Podcast: Reviewing the 2020 Kaiser Health Survey

Rob, Scott, and Jason discuss the 2020 Kaiser Health Survey, including: renewal rate increases, employer and employee premium contribution rates, the most common plan designs (PPO, HDHP, HMO, POS) and their enrollments, higher deductibles and employee cost sharing, the uncertainties that insurers and employers have to deal with right now, and more.

Podcast: Reviewing the 2020 Kaiser Health Survey

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How Drug-Testing Has Changed in the COVID-19 Era

Employment expert discusses drug testing and how employers can monitor substance use among WFH employees

Drug TestA recent survey revealed that positive drug tests among American employees reached a record high in 2019. But drug testing employees in 2020 will be much different due to the COVID-19 pandemic. How can employers monitor substance abuse among workers when millions of employees are working-from-home?

“We know that alcohol use has skyrocketed during the pandemic, and presumably drug use has as well, although those statistics are harder to track,’ says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and an employment trends expert. “Understandably, many employers are concerned about substance use among their workers, especially if it is occurring on the clock. Since so many people are working from home, it can be really hard to know if an employee is abusing drugs or alcohol during work hours, yet by the same token, drug-testing can also feel risky during a time when people are afraid to go to the doctor or health clinic or expose themselves to unnecessary germs.”

So how can employers safely continue drug testing their employees while still respecting the very real dangers of the pandemic?

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How to Determine Whether a COVID-19 Case is Work-Related

HR expert explains what employers need to do if employees have a positive COVID-19 test

COVID-19As COVID-19 cases climb around the nation, many employers are struggling to find a balance between keeping their businesses afloat and their employees safe. Along with putting safeguards into place such as plexiglass barriers and mask mandates for workers and customers, employment experts say that companies also need to have a COVID-19 plan in place for when employees test positive for the novel coronavirus.

“It’s no longer an ‘if’ one of your employees becomes infected, but when,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, a national employment solutions firm. “Sadly, it’s a given at this point that one of your employees will likely contract the virus at some point in the near future, if they have not already. Your company needs to have a well-thought-out plan for how you’re going to pivot immediately into action when this occurs.”

Wilson says that sanitizing the workplace and informing potentially impacted coworkers and clients is just the beginning. Employers also need to consider whether or not the COVID-19 case can be traced back to the workplace.

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How the 2020 Election Will Impact Minimum Wage and Job Security

HR specialist discusses how voters could alter minimum wage for millions of Americans

Election 2020Earlier this week, presidential candidate Joe Biden took to Twitter to share his proposed changes to minimum wage if he is elected, including ending tipped minimum wage and raising the minimum wage to $15/hr.

In addition to these national campaign promises, Floridians will have a proposed minimum wage amendment on their ballots come November, potentially raising their minimum wage to $10/hr on September 20, 2021.

“If voters pass the amendment, the plan would be to raise the minimum wage to $10 next year, and then gradually continue to increase the wage until it hits $15/hr by 2026. This would double the current minimum wage in Florida, and mirror similar amendments which have already been put into practice in states like Illinois,” says employment expert Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, a national employment solutions firm with locations across the country.

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Payroll Tax Holiday Starts Today: Here’s What it Means for Employers

Human resources expert comments on President Trump’s newly implemented tax break 

Tax DeferralStarting today (Sept. 1), employers now have the option to stop withholding payroll taxes for their staff. The Treasury Department announced the option last week, detailing the new guidelines in a statement that offers a temporary deferral of the payroll taxes which employees pay into Social Security.

“Employers can opt to stop withholding payroll tax, provided an employee makes less than $4,000 on a biweekly pay period,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and human resources expert. “But this is only a deferral. Workers will need to repay the taxes by April 2021.”

Generally, employees and employers each pay 6.2% tax into Social Security, for a total amount of 12.4% per employee. However, under Pres. Trump’s new deferral, employers will have the option of not collecting the employee’s share. As a result, workers could see a bump in their paycheck – but next year, they will have to pay that money back or face financial penalties.

Wilson, who is the president of a national employment solutions firm, says that this will spell a major human resources headache for employers.

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New Survey: More Layoffs Coming Soon as Mental Health in the Workplace Plummets

Employment expert discusses new findings which show a bleak economic future and increasing despair among employees

COVID-19 SurveyMental health in the workplace has never been so tenuous. New research shows that both employers and employees are under extreme strain due to the coronavirus pandemic.

A recent survey performed by Employco USA found that many employers have a very bleak outlook for their economic future. 85% of employers don’t have a strong outlook on the economic conditions in the U.S. over the next 6 months, and over half of employers say that they are anticipating the need for more layoffs and furloughs in the next 6 months.

“According to our survey, we are seeing that the worst is far from over,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, an employment solutions firm with locations across the country. “Although many areas of the country are slowly opening up, it’s not going to be enough to help businesses make it to 2021 without laying off more employees.”

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Injured While Teleworking: Are Employers Liable?

Human resources expert weighs in on employers’ OSHA responsibilities for WFH employees 

TeleworkingWith coronavirus cases spiking across the country, many employers have slowed down or stopped their plans to have employees return to the office. As millions of Americans are now working from home, it’s important for employers to consider their OSHA responsibilities for telecommuting workers.

“Telecommuting injuries are still a bit of a gray area, but you may be held responsible for injuries your employees incur at home if they are performing company duties at the time of the injury, or if they can otherwise prove that their work led to their injury,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, an employment solutions firm with locations across the country.

Wilson says that OSHA used to take a firmer stance on work-at-home accidents and injuries, but in recent years they have revised their policies to say that an employer is not liable for the condition of an employee’s home office. However, Wilson notes that there have been cases where employers have been responsible for injuries that occurred while an employee was engaged in company business at home.

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