Delta 8, CBD Lead to False Positives on Employee Drug Tests: What Employers Need to Know as Employee Drug Use Hits Record High

Rob Wilson explains how popular products like CBD and Delta 8 can complicate an employer’s ability to accurately monitor employee drug use

What Employers Need to Know as Employee Drug Use Hits Record HighNew data released from Quest Diagnostics reveals that employee drug use has increased in the last few years, with an increase of over 30% since 2011. Notably, marijuana use has led the trend, with positive test results for marijuana increasing by 50% in the last 5 years alone.

“In 2020, the rates of positive drug tests among employees climbed to their highest level since 2001,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment trends expert. “Ten years ago, we were looking at an all-time low since Quest first began testing and tracking employee drugs, but now we have dramatically increased.”

Wilson says the legalization of marijuana has driven the trend, as well as the popular use of marijuana derivatives like CBD.

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HR Chat w/Employco USA: Internships

In this video, Rob and Jason cover internships – a trending topic at this time of year. They discuss the next generation of young professionals, paid vs unpaid, development programs, educational training, future recruitment opportunities, the importance of feedback, and more.

Questions? We’re here to help:

HR Chat w/Employco USA: Administrative Professionals Day

Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

In this video, Rob and Jason discuss this national holiday which is celebrated on the Wednesday of the last full week of April. They cover some interesting statistics, how job duties have evolved, current demand, compensation research for different markets, career paths, and more. We’d also like to give a big thank you to all of the administrative professionals out there and on our team!

Questions? We’re here to help:

HR Chat w/Employco USA: National Employee Benefits Day

Happy National Employee Benefits Day!

In this video, Rob and Jason discuss the importance of benefits on this April 5th holiday. They cover why it’s a good idea to take a look at your current benefits, the top peripheral benefits in todays market, how benefits play a crucial role in recruiting, and more.

Questions? We’re here to help! Reach out to us for more information on how we can customize a benefits package to meet your specific needs:

Podcast: Trade Shows – It’s Great to Be Back!

On this month’s HR podcast Rob, Scott, and Jason are joined by special guest Don Svehla (founder and publisher of Exhibit City News) to discuss trade shows back in action. They touch on the strong turnaround, the adaptability of the industry, labor shortages, attracting the next generation, continued growth and expansion, the face of trade shows moving forward, and more!

Podcast: Trade Shows - It’s Great to Be Back!

Contact us with any questions you may have, we’re here to help:

Mask Mandates Lift Across the Nation, Leaving Coworkers at Odds

HR expert explains how to navigate conflicting mask viewpoints in the office

MaskAs counties and states across the nation drop their mask mandates, Americans are at odds over whether the decision to un-mask is safe or not.

“What we are seeing is that many people are afraid to take their masks off,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, a national employment solutions firm. “And not necessarily because of the virus. But because they worry that they will be judged or their careers will be harmed if they drop the mask.”

Wilson says industries like hospitality are in a particularly tricky spot.

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Office Romances Increase as Workers Go Back to the Office

Employment trends expert Rob Wilson weighs in on the rise of office romances

Office Romances Increase as Workers Go Back to the Office Earlier this year CNN President Jeff Zucker was forced to resign from his position due to a consensual relationship he had with a junior employee. Zucker and his employee didn’t disclose their relationship, which apparently continued on for many years, until the long-kept secret finally came to light.

“Zucker’s shocking secret couldn’t have been revealed at a more opportune time. With millions of employees returning to in-office work in 2022, it is time to reconsider office romance,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment trends expert. “After the last 2 years on Zoom or on rotating schedules, this year will probably be the first time that many Americans are fully back in the office with all of their coworkers.”

And after so much time behind a Zoom screen and isolated from in-person human contact, office romances could be on the rise.

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