WEBINAR: HR Compliance Mid-Year Checkup

WEBINAR: HR Compliance Mid-Year Checkup

Now that we’ve made it half-way through the year, it’s a good time to review recent developments in human resources. Join Employco USA’s Rob Wilson and Jason Eisenhut for a special webinar highlighting updates to employment law, including the following recent changes:

    • New state and local minimum wage laws
    • Wage and hour recordkeeping
    • Discrimination in AI recruiting
    • Form I-9 verifications of remote employees
    • Bans on salary and criminal history
    • COVID absences and notifications
    • State and local paid sick leave rules
    • Dobbs (Roe v. Wade) ruling effects on employment
    • Non-compete and non-solicitation agreements

You’ll be able to join us at 10:00am CT on Thursday, July 14th from your computer, tablet, or smartphone (you can also dial-in):


Register Here

You can also use our registration form to submit questions you’d like to see answered/covered during the webinar.

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Introducing New Hires into the Company Culture

Introducing New Hires into the Company Culture

Establishing and maintaining strong company culture is a critical component of employee retention. Companies that focus on building a positive company culture have a 40% higher retention rate than companies that neglect this critical management aspect. Wise leaders know that retention for new hires starts before a new hire’s first day of work and continues through onboarding and training. Here are some tips for introducing your new employees to your company culture.

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How to Scale Your Business from an HR Angle

HR Scaling

Employment trends expert explains why business growth needs to first begin in the HR department

Scaling your business is something that should be on every employer’s mind right now. Increasing your revenue while keeping team expenses stable is one of the most important tools for longtime profit. But when scaling your business, it’s important to consider how to sustain growth from an HR perspective as well as from a revenue perspective.

In today’s market, every company has aggressive goals for growth, whether growing the business internally or through a merger. Typically, business owners approach scaling as solely revenue-based. That can mean that HR becomes an afterthought in your strategic plan. But the truth is that having a plan for scaling your HR as your business grows is vital to the success of growth overall.

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Podcast: LGBTQ Workplace Best Practices

On this month’s HR podcast Rob, Scott, and Jason cover LGBTQ workplace issues. They discuss historical events, workplace discrimination, diversity and inclusion training, company policies and handbooks, anonymous employee surveys, and more. They also touch on some of our next podcast talking points – from inflation and job market changes to the HR side of being in a recession.

LGBTQ Workplace Best Practices

Contact us with any questions you may have, we’re here to help: hr@employco.com

Keeping Remote Workers Engaged

Employee Engagement

For many organizations, remote work is here to stay. But for teams working on a primarily or totally remote basis, building relationships and maintaining ties between workers can be a real challenge, especially when team members are scattered across state or international lines. Here are five tips to help keep remote workers engaged.

Use Technology to Stay Connected
Technology is vital to maintaining connections with remote workers. Applications like Microsoft Teams and Google Office Suite make it possible for teams to collaborate in real-time even when they are located across hundreds or even thousands of miles. However, studies show that too much time in video conferences or working online in front of a screen can lead to burnout. According to a report from Monster, 69% of work-from-home employees are experiencing burnout. The key is to balance real-time virtual meetings with online documents and video recordings to maintain a balance and minimize the risk of burnout.

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Building a Strong Company Culture

Strong Company Culture

66% of those looking for new jobs consider company culture and values to be an important factor when considering an organization and most successful companies have a strong company culture. Company culture is the shared values, mission, ethics, and expectations of an organization. It affects every part of your organization from leadership styles to goals and expectations, the work environment, communication policies, and even branding. It is evident in how decisions are made and how employees interact with each other and your customers. Here are four things to consider when building a strong company culture.

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The Importance of Good Onboarding

Welcome to the Team

Onboarding is a vital part of your hiring activities, helping new hires acclimate to their role, their coworkers, and the company culture. It also helps with retention, as a company with good onboarding processes can see a retention rate of 69% in the first three years.

But 22% of companies have no formal onboarding program, and only 49% have some onboarding processes in place. That can leave new hires feeling less equipped to do their job and make it harder to feel like a part of the team and the company.

Onboarding is a process of integrating new employees into your organization. It starts as soon as a candidate accepts your job offer. Let’s talk about the steps of onboarding and why they’re essential.

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No Zoom for You! Elon Musk Says “Get Back to Work”

Employment trends expert talks about getting employees back in the office and dealing with COVID exposures

Back to the Office

Elon Musk made a big announcement on Tuesday: He ordered all of his executive staff to spend at least 40 hours in the office every week, or risk losing their positions. “This is less than we ask of factory workers,” said Musk, in the employee memo which was leaked to the press.

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment trends expert, says that Elon Musk’s message is aligned with what he is hearing from his clients across the country.

“Employers want their staff back at work,” says Wilson. “Despite the fact that many employees are happy being hybrid or even fully remote, many companies want to get their productivity back on track after a rough couple of years. And since culture-leaders like Musk and other tech giants like Microsoft are pushing employees back to the office, I think this will set a precedent that smaller firms will also follow.”

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