HR Chat w/Employco USA: Creating an Employee Referral Program

Join Rob and Jason for an HR Chat as they explore the benefits of implementing an employee referral program.

In this challenging hiring market, such programs not only help find qualified candidates but also reduce recruiter fees, save time on job postings, and increase employee retention. By offering incentives like bonuses or perks, organizations motivate their employees to actively participate.

Discover how an employee referral program can optimize your hiring process, save costs, and foster a motivated workforce.

Questions? We’re here to help:

HR Chat w/Employco USA: Employee Surveys

In this video, Rob and Jason take a look at the importance of employee surveys in the workplace. They discuss some benefits, the best way to build a survey, employee engagement, software and online resource recommendations, anonymity, multiple choice as well as open text responses, rolling the survey out, reviewing input, creating focus groups, and more!

Questions? We’re here to help:

HR Chat w/Employco USA: Minimum PTO Policies

In this video, Rob and Jason take a look at minimum PTO policies. They discuss the current trend, usage requirements, benefits and advantages, attraction and retention, creativity enhancement, succession planning, and issues we’ve seen with unlimited PTO.

Questions? We’re here to help; Employco can assist with policy creation, best practices, and more!

HR Chat w/Employco USA: Understanding the Basics of Pay Transparency

In this video, Rob and Jason take a look at pay transparency. They discuss some of the basics, what you should be posting at a minimum for job listings, hourly pay and salary ranges, some of the states that have pay transparency requirements, how much fines can range from, what you should be doing if you have remote workers in different states, and more!

Questions? We’re here to help: