Rising Healthcare Costs

New Survey Reveals that Middle-Class Families Must Choose Healthcare Over Food, Clothes


Healthcare trends expert discusses these disturbing findings

Recent numbers show that middle-class families have increased their spending on healthcare by 25 percent since 2007. As these expenditures have increased, families have tightened their belt in other areas—with spending dropping on essentials such as food and clothing.

“These numbers are very disturbing,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and healthcare trends expert. “The Affordable Care Act was supposed to offer healthcare savings for Americans across the board, but instead it seems that middle-class families have been the hardest hit by our unstable economy.”

Wilson says that many Americans are reporting that their premiums are now so high that they cannot afford to go to the doctor. “With Obamacare, Americans are now facing deductibles of $3,000 a year or more,” he says. “Meanwhile, other Americans are losing their insurance as companies are forced to shut down as a result of the Affordable Care Act—not to mention, the amount of jobs that are going to be lost due to these company shutdowns.”

Wilson continues, “The whole point of President Obama’s plan was so that people would not have to choose between a doctor’s visit and paying for groceries. But now, thanks to these high premiums, we are right back in that same situation.”

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at rwilson@thewilsoncompanies.com.

Cost of Healthcare

Question: What do a 2016 Ford Escape and the annual cost of family healthcare have in common? They’re both $25,000!

A recent Milliman healthcare study found that the cost of healthcare for a typical American family of four covered by an average employer-sponsored PPO medical plan is $25,826 per year.

Milliman’s Key Findings:

  • The cost has more than tripled since its value of $8,414 in 2001
  • This year’s increase (4.7%) is the lowest rate since 2001, but is still well above the average increase in household income
  • Prescription drugs is the most rapidly growing component

Employee benefits programs, such as group medical plans, are an important component of Employco’s overall portfolio that helps to level the playing field for our clients. Using our large volume buying power to negotiate with benefit providers, we offer a benefits package that allows clients to compete with large corporations. Please let us know if you have any questions about employee benefit plans, including the plans provided in Employco’s portfolio.

Federal Reserve Announces Plans to Leave Interest Rate Unchanged

Employment expert available to comment on what motivated this decision

The Federal Reserve just announced that it plans to leave the interest rate unchanged. Many believe that this is because the country’s slow economic growth has challenged the policy-makers’ confidence.

Rob Wilson, employment expert and CEO of Employco USA, says, “The Federal Reserve opted not to change the interest rate due to unreliable low unemployment numbers and slow wage growth.”

Wilson also believes that the Affordable Care Act played a large part in this decision.

“Due to the Affordable Care Act, employers have been slow to hire, and some have even been forced to let employees go or slash staff hours. Pending changes to the overtime laws also has employers worried, along with general anxiety over the economy as a whole.”

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at rwilson@thewilsoncompanies.com.

Confusion Runs Rampant as Millions Pay Obamacare Penalty

7.5 million Americans were required to pay a penalty last year due to not having health insurance. This is a higher number than the government predicted, and many worry it is a sign that the country is not prepared for Obamacare.

Rob Wilson, CEO of Employco USA, says “The Affordable Care Act is causing issues across the board. Not only did the IRS collect $1.5 billion dollars in penalty fees from hardworking Americans, but many people also were confused about filling about their tax forms. Taxpayers who paid a penalty to the IRS should have claimed an exemption on their tax forms, but thousands and thousands did not, simply because they were not informed. As a result, they overpaid the government on their taxes.”

Additionally, about five million Americans claimed no health insurance status on their forms, leaving the government struggling to find out how to categorize these folks. “We don’t know how millions of Americans in this country are able to pay for healthcare, or if they are receiving healthcare. It’s scary business.”

Critics Challenge Netflix’s Paternal Leave Plan 

The pros and cons of Netflix’s game-changing family leave.

Netflix recently announced that they will offer one year of paid leave for mothers and fathers after they have a child. Microsoft made similar changes to their paternal leave by offering 12 weeks of paid time off for parents. (Currently, America is one of the few developed nations that doesn’t mandate paid time off for new parents.)

Rob Wilson, CEO of Employco USA, says, “Many people are criticizing Netflix because they feel the plan is too open-ended. People have the option to come back when they desire (within a year’s time), but many employees say that they will feel pressured to come back sooner in order to protect their position and their upward mobility. No one wants to be the employee that takes a full year if everyone else is taking just a few months or less. Women might especially feel this pressure as they often have to work twice as hard to earn promotions and raises.”

Wilson says that majority of Employco’s clients follow the FMLA guidelines and provide 12 weeks of time off, although this time is not paid.

“Most of these companies do not offer paid leave, but they do offer short term disability insurance through our office which has no waiting period if purchased during open enrollment,” he says. “In most cases, employees use a combination of vacation/PTO and short term disability in order to survive those early days of parenthood. It’s not a perfect system, but things continue to improve as more people aren’t afraid to broach this topic with their employers and ask for what they need.”

Why Small Businesses Could Suffer under Changes to United States’ Employment Laws

A recent study from Duke University found that employment laws which protect employees from being fired affect small businesses to a much greater extent than large businesses. This is because these employee protection laws leave plenty of room for loopholes, loopholes which large companies can easily utilize to their advantage.

Employment expert and CEO of Employco USA Rob Wilson explains, “Under employee protection laws in places such as Europe, employees are kept safe from being fired under certain circumstances. This means small business owners are forced to keep them on and pay their wages. However, large companies can often sidestep this law by shunting employees off to new locations or rearranging their staff—a luxury a small firm cannot afford.”

Both Wilson and the study researchers conclude that implementing such employee protection laws in the United States could wreak havoc on small businesses.

Wilson says, “Companies large and small have already suffered under recent changes to employment laws. From Obamacare to the minimum wage to proposed changes to overtime, employers are facing new financial strain every day.”

Why “Obamanomics” is Bad for Business

From new minimum wage rulings to proposed overtime changes to the Affordable Care Act, President Obama has made significant changes in the way companies in this country can do business. According to Rob Wilson, employment expert and CEO of Employco USA, “Obamanomics” could spell disaster for many employers.

“It started with Obamacare,” explains Wilson. “Since many companies couldn’t afford to offer their staff health insurance, they slashed employees’ hours and made them part-time instead of full-time, thereby forcing Americans to cobble together multiple part-time jobs in order to make ends meet. Now, companies face another issue: Overtime.”

Currently, the Obama administration is proposing changes to overtime regulations, changes which would offer more employees the chance to earn this extra income. However, not everyone thinks this is such a good plan.

Wilson says, “Economists don’t think the proposed plan is tenable in the long-term. Overtime wages are projected to be $1.3 billion. The FICA taxes associated with the OT wages alone is roughly $200 million (employer and employee combined). Plus, many people fear that employers will simply dump employees rather than face the prospect of paying multiple people overtime. Others will decrease their employees’ salaries in order not to lose money as a result of all the overtime they will have to pay. It’s a lose-lose for everyone.”

Supreme justice ruling on Same-Sex marriage may mean a loss of benefits for Domestic Partners

Friday’s ruling by the Supreme Court overturned all bans of Same-Sex marriage across the nation and afforded gay and lesbian spouses equal rights under both state and federal law. For many this is a victory of human rights and a landmark that will pave the way for further equality. It was only a few years ago when public sentiment was quite the opposite. 2012 marked the defining year when public opinion swayed in favor of gay and lesbian marriage and since then that favor has grown to a strong majority. ‘Gallup Gay & Lesbian Rights Statistical Poll – 1977-2015’

While it is clear that the majority of Americans are in favor of the ruling passed down, it is fair to say that the long term affects will be significant, especially for employers in states where gay marriage was banned previously. Employers in all states should take this time to review their handbooks and company policy and update any terminology around spousal relationships especially where it refers to employee benefits and legally protected rights such as FMLA.

It is still unclear as to how companies will handle the upcoming surge of spousal inclusions to their healthcare plans, whether some will offer early open enrollments, if the ruling from the Supreme Court will, in effect, create a “qualifying life event,” or if employers will simply allow for longer enrollment periods to sort out the changes. You can expect guidance from healthcare carriers to arrive soon.

Companies that adopted a domestic partner policy to their healthcare plans and corporate policy will most likely begin phasing those out over the next year. For most states, even where gay marriage was legal, companies were given the option of allowing a domestic partner clause onto their healthcare – essentially allowing individuals with long term live-in partners to gain health benefits. While the tax benefits were not the same as they were for married individuals, it afforded the employee the ability to give his or her partner coverage and allowed the employer to support their own personal beliefs without the concern of state legality.

As of the ruling on Friday, 5 states have ceased to offer civil unions and domestic partnerships* and that list is expected to grow. According to the 2010 census, 6.8 million households are unmarried, opposite-sex partners (5.9 percent of all households), compared with about 650,000 households with unmarried, same-sex partners (0.6 percent of all households). What does this mean? The vast majority of individuals receiving domestic partner benefits are opposite-sex couples.

This “curb-cut” effect (when an accommodation or law is passed to support one group of people but becomes beneficial to the population at large) will quickly become void for many individuals as employers and states move to discontinue benefits to unmarried domestic partnerships. Many rights were afforded the gay and lesbian population on Friday, but for those individuals taking advantage of the domestic partner/civil union benefits their employer provided, it may be time to look at a more formal and legal option to the relationship.

*Connecticut, Delaware, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont

Why Obamacare Means Americans Need 2 Jobs to Stay Afloat

Employment Expert Explains Why Obamacare Has Led To Job Losses And Slashed Hours

Under the Affordable Care Act, companies with 50 or more employees are required to provide health insurance to their staff if these employees work 30 hours or more a week.

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, says, “Since many companies cannot afford to provide health insurance for their staff, employers have instead opted to cut their employees’ hours so that they can limit their number of full-time staff and avoid costly health insurance plans. That means that many families will be forced to have working parents with not one but two jobs…and still no insurance!”

The bad new doesn’t end there, according to Wilson. As companies hunt for the most affordable plans and try to juggle all these new costs, something has to give.

Wilson explains, “To save money, employers might select an insurance plan that has higher out-of-pocket spending or even an insurance plan that does not place a cap on individual spending. This means that employees might now get stuck with a high-cost insurance plan for the next year, potentially spending thousands of dollars out-of-pocket on their healthcare.  Numerous organizations have already seen their out-of-pocket expenditures skyrocket, and everyone from college students to families have seen their healthcare costs become an expensive luxury…if not completely unaffordable.”

Obamacare Could Lead to Hefty Premium Increases in Illinois and Other States

Employment expert explains what Illinoisans can expect in 2016
Numerous health insurers are seeking approval for rate increases in 2016. Illinois will certainly be one of the states that are affected by these premium hikes. In fact, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois is asking for an average 29 percent increase for their plans. Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Tennessee, Maryland and Oregon will request similar increases.
Rob Wilson, CEO of Employco USA, says, “It is no wonder that so many health insurers are seeking rate increases. This is the major concern that people had when Obamacare was first introduced to the nation. The reality is that money doesn’t come from nowhere: Someone was going to have to pick up the tab for the millions of Americans who are newly insured under the Affordable Care Act, and sadly, that is going to be the American people.”
The new rates will not be approved and finalized until early October. “Currently, the new premiums are still up in the air,” says Wilson, “We don’t yet know how much rates will go up or which insurers will offer the most cost-affordable plans. November 15 is the date when people can begin to sign up for new plans, so after the rates are announced, people will have some time to research their options and discover if they can still afford their current plans.”
Wilson continues, “Unfortunately, these increases are exactly why people were strongly opposed to Obamacare from the beginning. It’s not fair that the average American now has to carry the tab for the mistakes made by millionaires on Capitol Hill.”