HR Newsletter: New HR Compliance Calendar for 2023

HR Newsletter: New HR Compliance Calendar for 2023

An HR compliance calendar is a valuable tool to help your business stay on track with key employment-related deadlines throughout the year. HR compliance is a complex area with many moving parts. Keeping track of HR deadlines during 2023 can help your business stay organized and avoid the penalties or workplace disruption that may be triggered by noncompliance.

There are a number of HR compliance tasks with predictable deadlines that you can anticipate from year to year, such as providing your employees with Form W-2 and filing Form 5500 for your employee benefit plans. Other deadlines can be unpredictable or triggered by certain events, such as when you hire a new employee or when an employee gets injured at work. Knowing what your business is required to do and when is the best way to stay compliant.

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HR Newsletter: Attraction and Retention Quarterly Newsletter

HR Newsletter: Attraction and Retention Quarterly Newsletter

We recently released our latest Attraction and Retention Newsletter for the first quarter of 2023. In this edition, we cover:

  1. Market Recap – Employee Quits and Job Openings Trend Down While Employers Prepare for Economic Uncertainty
  1. Securing Talent – Identifying and Retaining Key Employees (Including the Quick Quitting Trend)
  1. Workplace Outlook – Summary of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Data

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HR Newsletter: Seasonal Employment

HR Newsletter: Seasonal Employment

Many organizations rely on seasonal workers to supplement their regular workforce during peak times. This often occurs during busy seasons or holidays, as there’s an influx of business activity. While similarities exist, there are important differences between seasonal and regular employment. Due to these differences, hiring and reliance on seasonal workers can present significant and unexpected challenges for employers.

Seasonal employment is temporary employment that occurs during a specific time of the year. Employers often hire seasonal workers when they need extra help. This need may be based on industry demands, financial reasons, or increased consumer traffic, such as during the holiday season. Seasonal employment is more common in certain industries, such as delivery services, ski resorts, and agriculture.

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HR Newsletter: Quick Quitting Trend

HR Newsletter: Quick Quitting Trend

As employers navigate trends such as “quiet quitting”—a new term within the employment landscape that refers to workers only doing what their job description entails without going above and beyond—new data revealed that many workers have begun “quick quitting.” That is, in certain industries, workers are quitting their jobs at increasingly high rates before the one-year mark. The emergence of this trend demonstrates that workers in the United States are getting more comfortable leaving their jobs.

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HR Newsletter: Pay Transparency

HR Newsletter: Pay Transparency

Pay transparency is when an employer openly communicates pay-related information through established practices to current or prospective employees. Employers can provide this information through various channels, such as online job sites, job postings, or during an interview. As a result of changing labor markets, more and more employees are demanding pay transparency. Further, some jurisdictions are now requiring employers to share pay information, meaning that this trend is impacting more and more employers.

Pay Transparency Across the Nation – As demands for pay transparency increase, some states have passed legislation requiring organizations to be transparent. In recent years, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maryland, Nevada, Rhode Island, and Washington have all passed pay transparency laws. Some cities, including New York City, Jersey City, and Cincinnati, have also passed such laws.

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HR Newsletter: 3 HR Trends to Monitor in 2023

HR Newsletter: 3 HR Trends to Monitor in 2023

Employment and labor responsibilities continue to be reimagined, and employers should expect changes to continue in the new year. Here are three HR trends to follow in 2023:

  1. Increased Wages – There are more open jobs than people to fill them, and high inflation rates are impacting employees’ pay expectations. Numerous reports show that companies are budgeting significant increases in wages in 2023. To compete, organizations are finding ways to offer more competitive compensation to meet employee demands.

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HR Newsletter: Court of Appeals Allows Overtime for Booting up Computers

HR Newsletter: Court of Appeals Allows Overtime for Booting up Computers

On Oct. 24, 2022, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals held that call center workers can seek overtime compensation under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for the time they spend booting up and shutting down their computers. This decision is now binding precedent in the 9th Circuit, which includes Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon and Washington.

Case Background – In this case, Cadena v. Customer Connexx LLC, the employer (Connexx)  provided customer service and scheduling to customers over a “soft phone,” operated only through their employer-provided computers. At the time, Connexx agents used a phone program called “Five9,” an application that operates through employees’ computers rather than through a physical phone. Employees estimated that the average boot-up time was between 6.8 and 12.1 minutes. Once logged in, employees had to load various programs and scripts and confirm that their phones were connected and ready to accept calls.

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HR Newsletter: New Compensation and Benefits Trends

HR Newsletter: New Compensation and Benefits Trends

Compensation Trends – Although some organizations may cut jobs or reduce hiring as economic growth slows, some are paying higher employee wages to keep and win top talent. Today, workers can demand higher pay and better benefits as many employers face a worker shortage and struggle with employee attraction and retention. It’s been a worker-friendly labor market in recent years, and it’s not going away anytime soon. The latest compensation trends aren’t just about wage increases, but also workers wanting to get paid differently, be compensated based on their work and receive more pay transparency. Click the following link to read Today’s Top Compensation Trends

Today’s Top Compensation Trends

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