As a small business, it’s challenging to stay on top of effective and efficient people practices. With this in mind, we released a new Small Business Bulletin for December 2023. In the bulletin, we discuss the following topics:
- Year-end HR Activities – The last months of the year are a great time for small businesses to ensure they’re prepared for everything that needs to be done. It’s also an opportunity to evaluate which HR processes organizations want to take forward into the new year and which to leave behind. While certain HR compliance activities must be completed by the end of the year, small businesses can also use this time of preparation to focus on tasks that will set their organizations on the right course for next year.
- Attracting Employees for On-site Positions – Of 1,000 company decision-makers surveyed by Resume Builder, about 90% plan to implement return-to-work policies by 2024. Although there are numerous benefits to having employees work in person, such as improved company culture and increased opportunities for collaboration and relationship development, pressuring employees to return to in-office work can increase turnover issues and harm recruitment efforts. Small businesses that are hiring for on-site positions may struggle to compete with organizations that offer more flexible options for talented individuals.
Click the following link to read the entire Small Business Bulletin which dives into each of these topics in greater detail including best practices and employer takeaways.

Contact us for assistance with your HR initiatives.