WEBINAR: New PPP Loan Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act

Webinar 12/30/2020

Join Employco USA to learn about the LATEST UPDATES from the SBA including the new Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021.

During this FREE webinar, we’ll:

  • Review the new tax deductibility provisions
  • Provide an updated list of the items that are eligible for forgiveness
  • Summarize the requirements for employers to request a new PPP loan
  • Discuss the changes to the forgiveness application process

You’ll also be able to get some clarity on human resource issues including unemployment and payroll. Employco provides HR and payroll solutions to businesses across the country.

There will be a brief presentation to begin the session, but most of the time will be dedicated to answering your specific questions!

You’ll be able to join us at 2:00pm CT this Wednesday, December 30th from your computer, tablet, or smartphone (you can also dial-in):


You can also use our registration form to submit questions you’d like to see answered/covered during the webinar.

Please contact us if you have any questions.