Quarterly Webinars (2018)

1st Quarter 2018
HR Webinars for Management: Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace, 03/22/2018.

Recorded webinar w/Jason Eisenhut, Vice President of Human Resources at Employco USA. This webinar is designed to provide you with insights into the complex world of employee harassment and discrimination.

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), employers have a duty to investigate employee harassment complaints and must take actions to prevent the occurrence of such offensive conduct in their workplace. In addition to these actions, an employer should have an anti-harassment policy in place outlining the company’s intolerance for harassment and discrimination.

2nd Quarter 2018
HR Webinars for Management: Legal Recruiting and Hiring, 06/21/2018

Recorded webinar w/Jason Eisenhut, Vice President of Human Resources at Employco USA. This webinar is designed to provide you with information on the latest legal trends and requirements related to recruiting and hiring new employees.

The recruiting and hiring process is complicated enough without the additional burden of having to worry about potential legal concerns and discrimination claims. Several federal and state laws influence a company’s search, evaluation, and selection of new employees. To help avoid discrimination claims, information requested from the applicant should be directly related to the position he or she is interviewing for.

3rd Quarter 2018
HR Webinars for Management: Employee Terminations – Best Practices, 09/19/2018

Recorded webinar w/Jason Eisenhut, Vice President of Human Resources at Employco USA. This webinar is designed to provide you with information on the latest best practices related to employee terminations.

Terminating an employee can be one of the most difficult parts of a manager’s job. Many managers and HR professionals rush through the process in order to make it less painful; however, this is a big mistake. Having a termination process in place is just as important as creating a comprehensive onboarding program. Employers that don’t follow best practices when deciding to terminate an employee can face claims of discrimination or wrongful termination.

4th Quarter 2018
HR Webinars for Management: New Hire Onboarding, 12/19/2018.

Recorded webinar w/Jason Eisenhut, Vice President of Human Resources at Employco USA. This webinar is designed to provide you with information on the latest best practices related to new hire onboarding.

The term “onboarding” is often tossed around, but not everyone knows what it is or how to do it. In basic terms, onboarding is the process of getting new hires acclimated to their new roles. It includes setting clear guidelines for performance and company culture, and sharing the knowledge necessary for success within an organization.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Jason Eisenhut, Vice President of Human Resources
630-286-7341, jeisenhut@employco.com