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Browse our educational content for the latest news on HR regulations and government policies.

WEBINAR (Ringo, Becker LLC, and Employco USA): What You Need to Know about the Non-compete Ban
Are you familiar with non-compete agreements and the upcoming FTC rule change? Although non-compete agreements can help some organizations protect their trade secrets and client lists by limiting where former employees can work, the legal landscape is very complicated and can be difficult to track. Join us for a quick-hitting webinar that will touch on the following non-compete topics: current landscape, upcoming rule change, and common questions answered through role-playing dialog between a fake employer and our co-hosts.

Impact of Supreme Court Change to Chevron Deference
The Supreme Court overruled Chevron deference in a 6-3 decision. Join Rob and Jason in this HR chat as they give some background info and discuss how this might affect several pending laws such as the overtime threshold, non-compete ban, independent contractor status, and more.

Check out our HR newsletter article for more details on this topic: U.S. Supreme Court Overrules Chevron Deference